Don't Be Sad

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Gon soon woke up.

"Mickey-nee!" yelled Gon as he shot up from Miko's lap.

"I'm right here." said Miko calmly.

"What happened?" asked Gon, "The last thing I remember was Hisoka holding you captive right before he punched me...." Gon trailed off. He reached into his pocket and pulled out Hisoka's badge. There was a sad look in his face. He stood up and looked at Miko. He noticed her bleeding head.

"Mickey-nee, what happened?" asked Gon as he moved to touch the wound. The moment his finger grazed it, Miko flinched from the pain. Suddenly, Gon perked up. "Come with me. I have a friend who's training to be a doctor. He has a bunch of medical supplies in his briefcase." Miko stood up. She began to feel a bit dizzy. She had to lean on Gon for support. Gon led her to the two applicants she saw earlier. The Kurta boy and the older man.

"Kurapika! Leorio!" yelled Gon.

"Gon!" the both yelled simultaneously. They both saw Miko with a bleeding head.

"Quick lay her down." said the older one. He scrambled to get his briefcase open.

"Gon, who is this girl?" asked the Kurta boy.

"This is Miko Kenmochi. She's a close friend of mine and like a sister to Killua. Miko, this is Kurapika and Leorio." said Gon.

"So the Kurta boy is Kurapika and the older one is Leorio." Miko thought to herself before passing out. Leorio started wrapping Miko's head. Kurapika started cleaning up Gon.

"Mickey-nee!" yelled Gon, "Is she going to be okay?"

"She'll be fine. She put stress on her body alongside losing blood. She needs to rest for a bit." said Leorio.

"How did this happen?" asked Kurapika.

"We both had to deal with Hisoka. He punched me and she head butt him." said Gon with a cheesy smile on his face.Kurapika sweatdropped and Leorio sat there dumbfounded.

"You're both lucky to get away from him alive." said Kurapika.

"Why the hell did you think it was a good idea to take on Hisoka? You saw what he did to me!" yelled Leorio.

"I needed to get his badge." said Gon a bit sadly as he remembered what getting Hisoka's badge costed him and Miko. Gon explained everything to Kurapika and Leorio. Miko began to groan.

"What happened?" said Miko hoarsely. She put her hand to her head and flinched in pain.

"Take it easy." said Leorio as he fished in his bag for a bottle of water. Leorio handed the bottle of water to Miko. "Take sips." he said, "Gon brought you here. You were leaning on him for support just to walk. By the time I laid you down to bandage your head, you had passed out." said Leorio.

"I see." said Miko.

"If I may ask," said Kurapika, "What is your relationship with Hisoka? I see you two around each other a lot."

"I guess you can call him a friend of a friend." replied Miko loosely, "We're not that close." Gon could see a bit of sadness in Miko's eyes. "Anyways, thank you for patching me up, Leorio. I'm afraid I have to get going now. I'll see you around, Gon." said Miko.

"Bye, Mickey-nee!" yelled Gon as he waved at her. Miko hid in a cave for the rest of her time on Zevil Island. When the boat came back, she was quiet. She didn't go near Hisoka. She didn't even bother with Gittarackur. Hisoka glanced at Miko. She wasn't as cheerful as she usually is. Hisoka never would've imagined that seeing her like that would tear his heart to shreds.

"I need to find a way to talk to her." Hisoka thought to himself. Miko glanced around to see which applicants have passed. Miko noticed the boy that tried to steal her badge by using arrows coated in tranquilizers. She noticed that Gon, Leorio, and Kurapika have barely made it back in time.

"I didn't think he'd pass." Miko thought to herself. The boat took the remaining applicants to the airship. The airship would take them to the last phase. Miko claimed the same room as before. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. She was unsure of whether or not to open the door. If Hisoka was there, she was going to slam the door in his face. Miko didn't care what she had to do. She wasn't going to let Hisoka in. When she opened the door, it was Illumi.

"Illumi?" said Miko, "What are you doing here?"

"I don't have a room. I'd rather share a room with you than a stranger." said Illumi. Miko shrugged and let him in. She sighed in relief in knowing that it wasn't Hisoka.

"He's worried about you." said Illumi as he pulled out his needles.

"That's like saying a bear can fly." retorted Miko, "It's impossible."

"I saw the damage you did to his head." said Illumi, "Kudos." That little line was enough to get Miko to smile. "If you're not going to use the bathroom, I'm going to go first."

"Knock yourself out." said Miko as she jumped onto the bed. Miko felt emotionally exhausted. Suddenly, her phone began to ring. "Hello?" said Miko.

"Hey, Mickey." said Chrollo. Before Miko could respond Chrollo began talking. "I'm not going to waste time so I'm just going to ask. When you get back, Do you want to go on a date with me?" Chrollo felt proud of himself that he finally asked. Miko was a bit shocked. She didn't expect that Chrollo would want to go out with her. She felt a small, genuine smile form on her face.

"You know what, that actually sounds fun. Sure. I'll go on a date with you, Chrollo." said Miko.

"Great. I see you when you get back." said Chrollo.

"Bye." said Miko. Illumi was listening in on Miko's conversation from the bathroom.

"He's not going to be happy when he finds out." Illumi thought to himself. Illumi walked out of the bathroom fully clothed. He was drying his hair. Miko stared at Illumi with begging eyes. Illumi tried not to give her the satisfaction of returning the look. However, her alluring eyes have proved to be too much of a challenge. Illumi sighed to himself. "Fine." he said aloud before tossing Miko the towel. Her eyes lit up as she scurried over to Illumi and began drying his hair. "Honestly, I would've thought you had grown out of that by now." said Illumi.

"Never!" Miko shouted cheerfully. Illumi sighed irritatingly.

"At least she's back to her normal self." Illumi thought to himself, "Not even I have seen that sad. She was trained and tortured alongside me and Kil. She still maintained that cheerful attitude." Miko loved drying Illumi's hair. When she was living with the Zoldycks, Her and Illumi were forced to share a room. Kikiyo, Silva and Zeno were still keen on Illumi marrying Miko. When Illumi would get out of the shower, Miko would ask if she could dry his hair. If Illumi said no, Miko would stare at him with her childish, begging eyes until he said yes. At one point, he found it easier just to say yes so he wouldn't have to sit through the uncomfortability of Miko's soul piercing stares. "Mother still intends on finding a way for us to marry. Father and Grandfather had given up." said Illumi.

"No offense but I'm still not interested." said Miko.

"Same to you." said Illumi. Miko finished drying his hair.

"Do you plan on telling Kikiyo that I was here?" asked Miko.

"No. I wasn't ordered to convince you. I was ordered to bring Killua home." replied Illumi.

"Don't go too far, Illumi. He's still a young boy. I won't forgive you if you hurt my favorite Zoldyck." said Miko. Illumi rolled his eyes. Over the loudspeaker, Miko heard her number being called.

"Applicant 391 report to the conference room as soon as possible. Thank you."

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now