Different Family*

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"Let's get this shit show started then, hm?" The middle one said as the other two raced towards Miko, both of them stabbing and injecting some sort of serum into her bloodstream. The middle one cackled as the two jumped back to their respective sides. "That serum is a poison that will eat you from the inside out," Miko dropped to her knees, screeching in pain. She held herself as her agonizing screams filled the room. Hisoka's eyes filled with rage as he grabbed the middle prisoner by his neck, crushing his trachea with his bare hands. Illumi stood in his place completely unamused. Miko's screams stopped while the two prisoner's stared up at Hisoka with horror. Miko stood up and charged at the two prisoners with her daggers, slicing both of the jugulars. Hisoka's eyes widened seeing Miko was fine.

"Don't look at me like that," Miko purred, "You know good and well I was a part of the Zoldyck Family. I'm immune to all poisons." Miko walked ahead of Hisoka and Illumi. Miko's lips curled into a smile, replaying Hisoka's shocked expression. "It's not everyday he makes a face like that," She thought to herself, biting her lower lip.

"You knew, didn't you?" Hisoka asked in a low tone.

"Of course I did," Illumi responded monotonously as he began to follow Miko, "It's no secret she was a part of my family." The rest of the challenges were nothing but child's play to Miko. It wasn't long before the three reached the bottom.

"Applicant 44, Hisoka is the first to pass. Applicant 301, Gittarackur is the second to pass. Applicant 391, Miko Kenmochi is the third to pass in eight hours." said the loudspeaker.

"I knew we shoulda taken longer," Miko groaned, "Now we gotta wait for everyone else." Miko ssat by herself, deciding to rest while she could. Her mind wandered to her years as a child, when she first met the Zoldycks.

Miko was thirteen at the time. She and Kortopi were on a mission. They broke into some rich family's house for a vase. This vase was rumored to grant any wish so long as a single coin was thrown in. Miko and Kortopi retrieved the vase and made a copy. They were about to leave, when Miko felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Kortopi noticed Miko was startled.

"What is it?" He whispered.

"Someone's here," Miko responded as she quickly smashed a window.

"What are you doing? They'll hear us!"

"They already know we're here. Tell everyone I'm fine." Miko said as she tossed Kortopi out of the window into the dense trees. She activated her zetsu and kept her back to the wall. She peaked around the corner, where she could feel one powerful presence. "I need to make sure Kortopi gets away," Miko swallowed a lump in her throat and took a deep breath.

"How sneaky do you think you are?" Miko heard a deep voice, right next to her ear. She quickly jumped away, throwing ice shards in the direction she heard the voice. Miko could see the man in the moonlight. He had a buff physique, strong facial features, and long platinum blonde hair. His eyes were piercing. They were blue like gems, but they reminded Miko of a cat's eyes. You never fully know what is going on in a cat's mind. A second Man appeared behind Miko. His Zetsu was flawless. Miko didn't know there was a second person until he spoke.

"Silva, she's very powerful for someone so young. How old are you my dear?" Hearing no malintent in the older man's voice, Miko cautiously responded.

"I'm thirteen, sir," She said, trying to keep her eye on both of them.

"Do you have any parents?" The older man continued. Miko shook her head, getting a bad feeling in her tummy.

"Hmm, she could prove to be a valuable asset," The old man said. Miko turned her head to find the buff one, but he was gone. Before Miko could begin to panic, she felt a swift hand to the back of her neck. The world darkened in a mere millisecond.

Miko awoke strapped down to a bed with metal. A skinny lad with enormous pitch black eyes stared down at her.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now