Real Effort Brings Real Prizes*

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"Hey," Hisoka heard. He pulled his walkie and held up to his mouth.

"What is it?" He said casually.

"You'd better get back. We're about to start."

"I'll be right there,"

The yellow gates opened to reveal a young woman and a very large man. The woman was named Menchi and the man was named Buhara. Both of which are gourmet hunters. Menchi had announced that this phase would involve cooking. The challenge was to cook something that they would both enjoy.
"Sounds easy enough," Miko thought to herself.

Hisoka scanned the crowd for Miko. She stopped upon finding her with Killua and Gon. Hisoka slithered through the crowd of applicants and up to Miko where he proceeded to drape his arm over her shoulder. Miko could feel her heart speed at Hisoka's touch, but she wasn't about to let him know that. She removed herself from Hisoka and moved towards Gon, holding him protectively with his back facing her.
Gon looked up to find that Miko was the one holding him, whilst throwing a glare at someone. He followed her glare to Hisoka, causing an involuntary shiver.

"She feels warm but I wonder how she knows Hisoka," Gon thought to himself as he held onto Miko's arms for comfort, "If she's this warm then she can't be a bad person."

"And so," Buhara continued after saying the next challenge, much to everyone's dismay, was to be cooking, "The main ingredient will be pig! You may use any species from the bisca forest park." All the applicants flood from the gates in search of any type of pig without any other instructions.

"You certainly have a mean streak, Buhara," Menchi chimed, "The only species of pig here are meat eaters." Buhara smiled coyly.

"I hope nobody dies," He smiled.

Miko quickly found the pigs and just as quickly found them to be meat eaters. They were enormous. Roughly the height of a man and a half. Each pig also had a tall snout that covered just past it's forehead. They hadn't seen her yet so she remained perfectly still and was about to start backing away when she could hear screams of joy and laughter coming from behind her. She turned around to find Gon, Killua, and two other boys sliding down the hill right towards her. Without much time to get out of the way, they collided. Miko caught a glimpse at Kurapika and quickly saw that he had contacts over his eyes as well as the traditional Kurta clothing.

"He's a survivor," Miko realized. However, that had to wait as the pigs charged towards the five of them. Miko grabbed Killua and Gon and jumped up on a tree branch that was too high for the pigs to reach, leaving Kurapika and Leorio on their own. "They're heading for the rest of the applicants," Miko thought to herself. She shrugged off without a care in the world. "They'll be fine,"

"Miko!" Gon beamed, "How did you get here so fast?"

"Easily," Miko chuckled, "I was already here when you guys crashed into me." Gon chuckled nervously as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Sorry," He quickly said, remembering them sliding was his idea. Miko smiled and placed a gentle hand on the top of his head, finding it hard to even work up any anger towards Gon.

"It's alright. No one got hurt," She smiled. The three watched as the herd of pigs rushed towards the pool applicants. Each applicant struggled to pig a pig down. Their snouts acted as a shield from every attack. Miko noticed Gon perk up. Without any warning or signal, Gon leaped from the branch whilst swinging his fishing rod. Miko quickly reached out to grab Gon. However, Killua had stopped her hand.

"Just watch," Killua said. Miko, slightly worried for Gon, watched as he smacked the pig's forehead with his fishing rod. Subsequently, the pig dropped dead.

"The forehead is their weak spot!" Gon yelled out to the rest of the applicants. Miko watched in awe as the rest of the applicants had quickly aimed their attacks for the pig's forehead. She spotted Hisoka about to attack a pig for his challenge. Miko's lips curled into a mischievous smile and she quickly bolted towards Hisoka's pig. She threw a single knife into the pig's forehead. Miko swooped around Hisoka, taking his pig.

"Better luck next time," Miko taunted as she threw a wink in Hisoka's direction before taking off to her cooking station. Most of the applicants rushed to cook their meat and hand it off. While Buhara was easy to please, the same couldn't be said for Menchi, who rejected every single dish. A few applicants tried to get creative with their presentation, but the dish's lack of taste was enough to disqualify them. Miko took time to prepare her food. She sauteed the meat and chopped up vegetables into a light salad to accompany the meat. Having taken her time with the dish, Miko was the last to present. This made her all the more nervous.

"Finally, something that actually looks like food," Menchi barked. Buhara, like all the other applicants, passed Miko the moment he took a bite. Miko was more concerned with Menchi's feedback. Miko could see the gears turning in Menchi's head, judging each flavor. They all watched in anticipation as Menchi swallowed her bite. "What's your name 391?"

"Miko Kenmochi, ma'am,"

"Number 391 is the first and last person to pass. Congratulations, Miss Kenmochi. The rest of you failed," Menchi announced. There was an uproar amongst the rest of the applicants. All of which were not happy with the turnout.

"I'd better get back before they riot. I don't want their blood on my clothes," Miko thought to herself as she promptly retreated to her spot in the back, " I passed so I'm good,"

There was a subtle hint of chaos in the air. Miko closed her eyes and took a deep inhale, relishing the scent. She sat in the sun whilst leaning against the gate.

"The sun feels so nice on my skin today," Miko thought calmly to herself, "Nothing at all like Meteor City. The sun would just bare down excessively on you. No grass, no flowers, almost no vegetation. The sun destroyed it. This is by far better than Meteor City," Miko continued to enjoy the warm embrace of the sun's rays. She suddenly felt the warmth of the sun fade. She opened her eyes to see an airship hovering over them, blocking her sun. She noticed something exit the airship and fall towards them. "What the-" She was interrupted by an old man landing on the ground amongst them. The next thing she knew, they were heading to a place called split mountain. Apparently those who failed get a re-try. Seeing as Miko was the only one to pass, she didn't have to do the challenge.

"All we have to do is get the eggs and bring them back up to boil?" Killua asked.

"That's right," Menchi said, "Do that and you pass this phase," Miko sat back and watched the applicants. It wasn't long before they were back on the airship, heading to their next destination.

Miko had claimed a room to herself. There was another bed for someone else but she wasn't about to tell anyone else that. Unless it was someone she knew, she wasn't going to open the door. Miko stretched out on her bed and yawned. She rolled over and closed her eyes, relaxing in her sheets. Her body felt at ease.

Five minutes hadn't passed when there was a knock on Miko's door waking her and putting her in an irritable mood.

"If I ignore them, they'll go away," Miko thought to herself as she rolled over to try to fall back asleep. However, the knock wouldn't cease. Miko pulled one of her throwing knives from her pouch and silently got up. "If I kill them, they'll definitely stop," Miko was tired and absolutely hated when her sleep was interrupted.

"I know you're in there Mickey," Hisoka purred from the other side of the door.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now