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"That's right. You'll kill her. I'll protect her. Especially from you." She thought to herself before leaving Hisoka alone in his room.

Miko was in her room showering the evening away. When she stepped out of the shower, she began to drying her long, brown hair to where it was a giant puffball. She, then, brushed and braided her hair. Suddenly, her landline began to ring. Miko came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a black tank top with a grey rose. She also wore a flannel alone with a pair of black, ripped jeans. Then, a pair of converse to pull the outfit together.

"Hello?" she answered.

"Miss Kenmochi. You have some visitors hear. Two young boys." said the desk lady. Miko was confused for a minute. Then, in the background, Miko could hear two boys shouting.

"Hi~ Mickey-nee!!!" Miko instantly recognized that it was Gon. The other boy had to have been Killua. Miko laughed.

"Send them up. Their my guests. Give them spare keys to my floor as well." said Miko.

"Yes, Miss Kenmochi." replied the desk lady before hanging up. She smiled at the thought of seeing Killua again. If he's here, then he must've left for good. The elevator dinged and Miko raced to the elevator to greet the two boys.

"Killua-chan!!" yelled Miko as she raced to hug him. "I'm so glad to see that you're okay."

"Mickey-nee" Killua managed to say hoarsely, "You're killing me." Miko quickly let go. She looked over at Gon and hugged him as well.

"Thank you for helping him, Gon." said Miko as she hugged him. After nearly huggin the two boys to death, Miko and the boys began to catch up.

"You learned nen already!?" Miko exclaimed.

"Yeah," said Killua, "Now I can take you on in a fight, Mickey-nee." Miko chuckled.

"No you can't." replied Miko confidently, "What category do the both of you place in?"

"I place in transmuter." replied Killua. Miko looked at Gon.

"Let me guess, you're an enhancer?" said Miko. Gon looked at Miko in amazement and nodded.

"How did you know that, Mickey-nee?" asked Gon.

"Just a hunch." replied Miko with a wink. Both boys blushed a bit. Suddenly, Miko's phone rang once more. "Hello?" said Miko.

"Hey, Mickey." replied Chrollo, "I'm here in the lobby." Miko turned around and looked at the boys.

"Okay. I'll be right down." said Miko.

"Do you guys have your own rooms?" asked Miko. Killua and Gon nodded.

"I'm about to have some company and it's about to get real messy in here." purred Miko as she winked. Killua's face turned extremely red. Gon looked at Miko in confusion.

"What do you mean, Mickey-nee?" asked Gon.

"D-don't worry about it, Gon." interrupted Killua, "Come on, we'll hang out in your room. Bye, Mickey-nee." Killua dragged Gon in the elevator and left. Miko laughed to herself.

"They don't need to know him yet." Miko said to herself, "It's bad enough they know Hisoka." Miko went into the elevator to meet with Chrollo. When she reached the bottom, he was wearing something of a disguise. His hair wasn't slicked back and he wore old and tattered bandages over the upside down cross. He was wearing normal clothes along instead of the huge jack with an upside down cross. Miko ran up to Chrollo and jumped into his arms. He spun her around a little before setting Miko down on her feet and kissing her. "Come on, I'll show you to my room." said Miko excitedly as she led Chrollo to her floor. When they reached the 238th floor, the elevator doors opened and revealed the giant room.

"This entire room is your?" asked Chrollo.

"Yup. An entire floor all to myself." replied Miko proudly.

"Good. Then, no one can interrupt us." Chrollo purred as a seductive smiled crept onto his face.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now