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Miko called up Chrollo first. It almost didn't even ring.

“Hey, Chrollo.” Miko said a bit nervously. She didn't know what to expect.

“Thank God. Where have you been? Everyone is worried about you.” said Chrollo in relief.

“Sorry I was asleep. My hangover is gone at least.” said Miko. She could hear Chrollo sigh in relief.

“Honestly, how you get everyone worked up over you never ceases to amaze me.” said Chrollo. Miko felt a smile form on her face.

“I’m glad you called.” said Miko.

“Why? Did something happen? I know Hisoka is at Heaven's arena. Did that bastard do something to you?” asked Chrollo hastily. Miko felt bad. She knew if she told the truth, Chrollo wouldn’t hesitate to kill Hisoka. He’s to valuable. Especially for the next upcoming mission.

“No nothing at all. I haven’t even seen him since the hunter exam. I guess I miss you.” said Miko sweetly. Chrollo felt himself smile.

“If you want, I can stop by Heaven's arena for a short while.” said Chrollo, “We can go on that date I promised you.”

“Thank you. That sounds like fun. I can use the company.” said Miko. “Hisoka won’t bother me while Chrollo is here.” Miko thought to herself.

“I’m on my way then.” said Chrollo, “I’ll call you again when I’m at Heaven’s arena. I love you.”

“I love you too.” replied Miko. She felt happy when Chrollo said he’d come to see her. “He’s such a nice guy when he’s not killing people.” Miko thought to herself. Miko sighed at the bunch of other phone calls she’d have to make to the rest of the troupe to let them know that she’s ok. She first called Machi.

“I wish you had called me sooner.” said Machi.

“Why’s that?” asked Miko.

“I’m already on my way to Heaven’s arena. Hisoka lost both arms and I promised him three free nen stitches for keeping an eye on you during the exam.” replied Machi.

“Okay. I have to go. I have to call everyone else to let them know I’m not dead.” said Miko half jokingly and half annoyingly.

“That’s what you get for not picking up. Turn up your ringer next time.” said Machi before hanging up. After an hour of reassuring everyone in the troupe that Miko was completely fine, her stomach growled.

“That’s right. I didn't eat yet. Is anything even open right now?” Miko said to herself. She looked at the clock. It read 3:19 am. “Damn. Nothing is open right now.” Miko laid on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She decided to check her kitchen to see if she had any food in there. She found a box of pop tarts in her cabinet. She ate a pop tart. That satisfied her hunger until a nearby diner opened at five. Miko felt herself get tired again. She changed into her pajamas. Which usually consisted of a tank top and pajama pants. She dropped herself onto her bed and slipped into the darkness that her bed had to offer her.

Try To Take Her From Me (Adult trio x Oc) (Major editing)Where stories live. Discover now