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Spoilers: From here on if you read you will learn spoilers for Young Justice Season 1! You have been warned.

A/N: Also when characters are on duty I'll address them as their aliases (Catgirl, Robin, Etc.) and when they're not I'll use their real names (Katherine, Dick, Etc.). This is a recent change I've made to the book as it makes it easier to read. If you get confused or spot a mistake please let me know in the comments!



|Gotham City
|July 4 2010, 12:00

Today was Catgirl's first day of her new job as Batman's sidekick. It was safe to say it wasn't going well. So far she'd been chased by The GCPD, twice.

Since Batman only told Police Commissioner, Jim Gordon, about Catgirl this morning, word was yet to get out about her not being on their most wanted list anymore.

It wasn't the local police Catgirl was worried about though. Sure, they were definitely irritating, but nothing that really made her concerned. Who she was looking over her shoulder for were the secretive services. Before, Catgirl was also on the most wanted lists of The FBI, CIA, NSA, MI5, MI6, Interpol- to name a few. There was no guarantee they'd share The GCPD's decision to remove her from their lists, some of which included shoot-to-kill orders.

This was one of the main reasons Katherine didn't want to put her cowl back on. She hoped to actually live her new life, not spend it on the run as Catgirl. The goal was to stay hidden, but still live, without the worry of being shot at by whoever wanted her dead in the moment.

That wasn't going to happen now though. Not after signing Batman's contract.

She just had to hope Batman would call off the big guns too, like he did with The GCPD.

"Hey Kitten." Robin appeared behind Catgirl, making her flinch a little in surprise. Fortunately, her reflexes stopped her from falling off the rooftop she'd taken sanctuary on.

"Don't do that!", Catgirl hissed through gritted teeth, trying to stay calm with Robin.

The last thing she wanted to do was to fight with one of the only guys in the city who'd be able to save her from any unwanted attention.

"What?", Robin grinned, proud he'd managed to sneak up on her, "It's not like the fall would've hurt you, is it?" he looked over the edge at the several storey drop. "Yeah," he sat down next to her on the edge, "You'd probably land on your feet, walk away without a scratch."

"Not the point.", Catgirl muttered, still irritated at him for doing that.

She reached into her utility belt and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, but Robin had snatched the packet from her before she could take one out.  "Hey!", He scolded her, "No smoking! You know how bad it is for you-!"

"Pfft." She smirked at his reaction, taking one out from the packet she held once again. Robin looked a little shocked when he looked down at the hand he was previously holding them in.

It was safe to say Katherine hadn't lost her talent, even if she was a little rusty.

Robin quickly pulled himself together and held out his gloved hand.

Catgirl rolled her eyes and put the packet back in his hand, putting her lit cigarette between her lips. She watched as Robin opened the packet, counting how many were left. "You know if you wanted one all you had to do was ask." she puffed out her smoke. "I'm sure Batman supplied you with some sort of light."

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now