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|Santa Prisca
|July 23 2010, 02:34

Catgirl watched as Robin hacked into the island's systems. She sat in the chair next to him and scratched the desk uncomfortably. She was now staying closer to him, out of guilt of what she said earlier.

As mad as it made her, his reasons for being wary of her were justified, and she'd not be able to prove herself trustworthy until he saw it with his own eyes.

He- most of the team, thought she'd turn around and betray them for Bane after they secured the factory and got rid of the cult, but in reality she knew the only reason she was still alive was because of a promise Bane made her brother Felix; If anything happened to Felix, Bane would protect her. However, she agreed the deal would be no more once the factory was Bane's again, so if she stayed there was nothing to stop him from hurting her like the other villains.

To prevent the betrayal happening sooner, Robin had Bane and Catgirl separated; she went with him and KF, and Bane went with the rest of the team.

Catgirl agreed to this to keep the peace, but part of her wanted to ditch them to be with Bane anyway.

It'd be so easy to escape with Robin currently putting all his attention to the monitor he was hacking at, and Kid engrossed in the ingredients and nutritional information on his energy bars, supposedly on lookout duty.

Catgirl wasn't needed there anyway. She'd be more useful helping the team. It would've benefited the mission more if she left, so she did.

She kept her full attention on Robin, as he was the most likely to notice her leaving.

She slowly backed up, making it as far as the door before his wrist computer beeped and he turned around in his chair to look up from his holographic screen at her.

Kid Flash also looked up, oblivious to the escape attempted.

Upon realisation of what the alert on his computer was, Catgirl took off her cowl and threw it at Robin. "Take it out.", she fiercely demanded, "Now."

"Take what out?", He acted oblivious, closing his wrist computer.

"Whatever tracker you put in my cowl." She threatened, "Or I'll keep it off."

Kid Flash raised a brow, "But don't you need it just to see?"

"I'm not blind you idiot.", she hissed at him, "But if he doesn't remove that tracker right now, I can assure you Robin will be." She held up her claws, threateningly.

Robin threw the cowl back, turning his chair to keep hacking the island's systems. "I don't have time to remove it right now. M'gann might accidentally tune into your head when she updates us on the shipments. Put it back on."

"Then you better work quick.", Catgirl stood her ground, "Preferably, before I change my mind and quit."

"Katherine, be reasonable..." Kid Flash looked nervous, "Wait until we-"

"Get back to Mount Justice?", She finished for him. "And then what? I'm not stupid, Wally. I know as soon as we get back to Happy Harbour I'll be sent back to Belle Reve. Not happening."

"Not if I have anything to say about it.", Robin muttered. "Just put on your cowl."

"Wait a second, Belle Reve?" Kid Flash was genuinely confused. "Why...?"

Catgirl stared at Robin's reflection.

He didn't say anything, so she did.

She looked back at Kid Flash and told him everything.


"You and Batman are doing what?!", Kid yelled at Robin, making Catgirl wince and finally put on her cowl again. Robin would remove that tracker later, or else-

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now