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|Gotham City Bank
|September 12 2010, 05:03

It was only a matter of time before the CatCo rumours got people hurt; Catgirl knew that, but she didn't think anyone would go this far to try and find out the truth.

The masked man robotically chuckled, "What's wrong, scared?", and pointed the weapon he was carrying at Robin's gunshot wound, "Should be, because your friend doesn't seem to have much more blood to spare."

"N-No..", Robin weakly spoke for her, "She's not-"

Robin went silent once the large gun was pointed at his head.

"Quiet kid, the adults are talking.", the masked man hushed him, turning to look back at Catgirl. "So?", He tilted his head ever so slightly, "Tell me, are the CatCo rumours true?"

Again, Catgirl knew eventually some Gotham-native-psycho would be bribed with the money, but she didn't expect someone to get this far, because as soon as CatCo started offering a reward she tracked down everyone who she was close to and warned them to keep their guard up for said psychos- that is, everyone but Robin...

"No." Catgirl kept her poker face, internally struggling not to panic about all the blood Robin was loosing.

This masked man seemed to be the brain behind all the bank robberies, so she didn't wan't to underestimate him. If he was able to read her body language it was game over for both her and Robin, so she stayed strong and focused on not messing this up, for the both of them.

"No.", The man sighed, lowering the gun that was pointed at Robin's head. "No..", he repeated, this time shaking his head. He laughed, now pointing the gun at her head, "Just how fucking stupid do you think I am?"

"W-What do you mean?", Catgirl managed, barely keeping her act up.

She was able to maintain her false confidence before, but now all she saw on the other end of the gun was her mom; it was like Belle Reve all over again, and the trauma from that night was yet to heal.

Her captor picked up on her new behaviour and lowered his gun.

"$10,000.", He said.

"What?", She looked up at him confused, her body tense as the Belle Reve memories continued to play on loop.

"$10,000 is what you're worth." He crouched infront of her, assuring, "I've got 100 million in the van, so you don't need to worry about me revealing your identity to the world- if it is you, that is..." He reached out to touch her face, stopping once Catgirl squeezed her eyes shut.

"Leave...leave her alone.", Robin barley managed to whisper.

"And you-", The man didn't hesitate to put his hand to Robin's cold cheek, but was cut off when gunfire sounded in the main part of the bank, making him sigh and get up, "I better see who's joined us, but I'll be back in a minute for you. Until then, stay put."

As soon as he was gone, Catgirl did the opposite of she was told; she helped Robin to his feet, almost falling over from the weight of him. "Up y'go!", She huffed, only just able to support him, " to- walk?!" It already felt like she couldn't keep him up any longer. "Birdy?", she called, only getting silence in response from him. "I'll take that as a yes then. Let's get us out of here. Alive, preferably...", she said, cautiously moving with him to peek around the edge of the wall.

Who did join them in the bank?

"Batman..?", Robin lifted his head a little, a weak chuckle of relief escaping him.

"Unlikely." Catgirl looked around the corner, expecting a GCPD SWAT team. Instead she got the next best thing. "Thank Bastet, we're not screwed!" She put him down gently on the ground, sitting him up against the wall. "It's the team.", She told him, putting his hands back over the spot the blood was coming from, "Keep pressure on it while I get someone more useful- and don't die."

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now