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|Mount Justice

|November 11 2010, 16:05

"Recognised: Kid Flash B-0-3. Zeta tube network now offline due to extreme atmospheric conditions."

"Whoa.", Katherine heard Wally say as he walked towards the team, Flash, Red Tornado, and their hiding spot, "Looks like I just made it. It'd be a tragedy if I missed my own-"

She turned the lights on, using her speed to quickly join the rest of the team. 

"Happy Birthday!", they all cheered.

"Whaaatt?!", Wally's surprise was clearly fake, "Aww, you guys, you shouldn't have!"

"Right.", Robin crossed his arms, amused, "Not like you've been hinting for days or anything."

"Besides.", Artemis added, "It's not just for you." She nodded her head towards Katherine.

Since her actual birthday was nothing short of awful, being spent reuniting with her previously dead brother, and playing nurse with a dying Robin, the team decided to make the birthday party a joint one.

Little did they know, this was the first real birthday party she ever had.


Katherine and Wally stood beside two beautifully presented cakes, courtesy of M'gann.

"Make a wish.", M'gann smiled sweetly at her and Wally as they leaned over their cakes.

"Way ahead of ya.", Wally smiled back up at M'gann before blowing out the candles on his cake. Katherine hesitated but did the same with hers, making everyone clap and cheer.

She looked over at Robin, who was recording the whole thing, with a smile. 

Robin closed his computer and pulled out a small box "Happy late birthday.", he said, holding it out for her to take.

Katherine turned around to face him and cautiously took the box, labelled:

From: The Dynamic Duo x

"From me and Batman."

It was in Robin's handwriting, but she was still wary when opening it. 

She slowly undid the ribbon and opened the box, her eyes immediately sparkling at the contents. "Oh, wow..."

Robin chuckled, "Batman doesn't disappoint."

Katherine took out the priceless necklace and held it up, her jaw dropping at the beauty of it in her clawed hands. "Whoa..", she looked at Robin, stunned, "I didn't...think he'd actually be able to buy it?" The piece was priceless- as in not even a billionaire could buy it. It couldn't be bought, only stolen- with moderate effort.

Robin quietly laughed and told her to turn around as he put the necklace on her. "He had to buy the entire museum.", He whispered, making Katherine quietly laugh back.

When Bruce asked her what she wanted as a gift she made sure to pick the most expensive item she could think of: the priceless necklace on display in Gotham's Jewellery Exhibit at the museum. It was arguably the crown jewel of the building, so she never thought she'd see it out of the thick bulletproof glass it was stored behind. She should've remembered under that mask of Bruce Wayne was Batman, who she knew better than to underestimate. 

She turned around to face Robin so he could see the necklace on but his eyes were now elsewhere.


"How's she settling in?", He asked, not taking his eyes Mount Justice's latest resident.

Katherine put her hand to her necklace, "She has her good days and bad days, but she's getting there."

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