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|Star City
|July 17 2010, 23:16

It'd been nearly a week since Catgirl ran away from Robin in that alley, and he was running out of places she might have been to search, so he decided it was time to start looking at the people she might be with.

First on the list was Speedy, her boyfriend.

Speedy was there on Independence Day with KF, Aqualad, and Catgirl. Other than her, he was the only one who knew about The Justice League's real HQ, The Watchtower. Catgirl was pissed off everyone was lied to about it, but Speedy took it further and quit. On his way out he asked her to come with him, which she couldn't because of her contract, so he told her if she ever broke it he'd be willing to help her. Now she'd broken her contract she had nowhere else to go.

However this was Katherine, the infamous Catgirl. If she didn't want to be found she wouldn't make it so easy. If she really wanted to stay hidden she would've moved on from Speedy by now. Robin just hoped Speedy would tell them where she'd went after she left him.

Fortunately, Speedy wasn't Catgirl at all; he was easy to find. All Robin needed to do was hack the city records and search his name for an address. He was two months late for his rent, but he'd definitely been living in an apartment in the rougher part of town.

When they went to visit nobody was home, but the empty cans of beer and strong scent of cigarette smoke confirmed someone was living there, and the many arrows lying around confirmed that person was Roy Harper.

It just so happened that before the trail on Speedy's whereabouts went cold they were alerted that there was an active weapon deal going down nearby at the docks, and an archer had been sighted at the scene.

Lucky for the team he was still there, and with company of the feline type.

"Do you know how expensive it is to get a suit in my size?!", The gun trafficker yelled up at one of the crates.

Standing on that crate, grinning down at him, was none other than Catgirl.

What was better was she seemed fully recovered from Cadmus, and despite wearing one of her old suits, she seemed to be fighting the bad guy, instead of being the bad guy.

The team weren't too late.

"What suit, Brick?", Catgirl taunted, "'Cause all I see are rags, not riches."

"You little-"

Catgirl ran before the gunfire could hit her, disappearing behind some more crates.

"At least The League won't get mad at us for sneaking out again.", Kid Flash said, equally as shocked to have found Catgirl.

Robin started to think that maybe she wasn't trying to escape them afterall. If she was, she'd never make it this easy.

Aqualad stared at the crate Catgirl was hiding behind. "I thought she ran away because she didn't want to be a hero, so why is she stopping this shipment?"

Robin shrugged, just as confused as the rest of them. "No idea..", he admitted, watching as Catgirl met up with Speedy ontop of another crate, "This isn't like her at all..."

"Well I'm not complaining. She seems to be pretty good at the hero stuff." Kid smiled, and ran to the trafficker.

Robin immediately noticed Speedy and Catgirl weren't on good terms. She went to talk to him and he jumped down from the crate to attack more of Brick's men, which he did viciously. She sighed and dropped down, following one of the escaping men into the maze of crates.

Thinking she might use this to disappear again, Robin chased after her.

"Catgirl?", He called out, making sure if she didn't already know he was following her, she'd not be startled and accidentally hurt him.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now