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|Gotham City

|September 23 1999, 00:00

Katherine woke with a start to the sound of arguing. "Felix?", She groggily murmured, sitting up on their heavily clawed couch.

In the kitchen she could hear Felix and their mother arguing. Not quite sure what about, she rubbed her throbbing head and forced herself into the kitchen doorway to see what all the yelling was about.

"-and you think that's ok?! We're your fucking kids!", Felix screamed at her.

Katherine took a step back, knowing when Felix and their mom were like this to just stay away; if their mom saw her she'd hurt her to hurt Felix, ultimately winning the fight.

That didn't answer her curiosity though.

Why were they arguing? 

What happened?

Thinking about it, the last thing Katherine remembered was putting up more photographs in The how did they even get back to Gotham?

"You are not my kids- I never wanted you!", Selina screamed back, "the only reason I have you is because Bastet thought you'd be of use to me- but you're useless, you can't even dodge a few bullets!", She harshly poked him in his side, making him wince in pain and clutch the bloodstained area of his shirt.

Felix was shot?

"What was I supposed to do, let her die?!", His voice cracked, his weak spot found, "I can't do this anymore..." he now had a desperate look in his eye, "I can't let you use me...ruin me..not...not anymore. Just let us go, Mom, please..."

Selina furrowed her brows. "And then what?", she questioned, "I toss you back out on the streets? How do you guarantee you'll be stable?" she laughed, "Because you surely won't be, those streets are no place for kids-"

"I'm done, Selina.", Felix put his foot down, "When Katherine wakes up, we're gone. I'm not letting you ruin her too."

The look on Selina's face changed entirely, "You're taking Katherine?"

"Yes.", Felix stood his ground, "When she wakes I'm leaving, and I'm taking her with me."

Selina narrowed her eyes, "Is that so?" She pulled out a gun, pointing it at Felix's head.

Katherine watched like a deer in headlights.

Felix's eyes also widened at the gun. 

He barley had time to react before he was kicked to his knees, now facing Katherine. He noticed her immediately, frantically moving his eyes to the direction of the front door, encouraging her to run away without him and save herself.

Katherine couldn't leave him even if she wanted to, her body completely frozen with fear.

Thankfully, Selina was too focused on Felix to notice Katherine in the doorway. She crouched infront of her son and quietly laughed, almost in pity, "You know the only reason I kept you alive was because I needed her; she would've never put on that cowl if you hadn't agreed to first." She clicked the safety off the gun,  "I never ruined her at all, Felix. You did."

She didn't flinch at the usually agonizing sound of gunfire, but a gasp still escaped Katherine as she watched the light leave her brother's eyes. Blood pooled around him on the kitchen floor.

He wasn't moving at all.

"Felix?", Katherine managed in a tiny voice, immediately putting her hands over her mouth when Selina turned to face her, his blood splattered on her clothes.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now