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|The Batcave
|September 18 2010, 04:53

Dick had hoped breaking out of Belle Reve would be easier now Katherine remembered how she did it, but she'd not said anything about the prison since they were extracted.

She'd not said anything at all...

"Ah!" Dick winced as his wounds were cleaned. He'd acquired more than he'd like to admit, fighting past all the super villains he was partially responsible for locking up.

"Master Dick, stop squirming!", Alfred scolded, holding Dick in place, "It's your own fault for running in there anyway. Master Bruce confirmed nobody would be left behind."

Dick glanced up to the highest platform in the Batcave. Katherine was sitting on the edge of it, blankly staring up at the bats above them.

"I wanted to confirm it myself.", His expression softened, watching her.

Alfred opened the stitching kit, assuring him, "Miss Kyle had no reason to be left behind." He then put his attention back to Dick, deciding where to start.

"Well no...", Dick diverted his eyes, "But you know what Bruce is like, especially with her.."

Alfred sighed, "You know that Master Bruce's doubts about Miss Kyle are justified-"

"But she's changing- she's changed.", Dick looked back up at her with a frown, his eyes watering as Alfred stitched his wounds.

The truth was Dick was starting to doubt her too.

After finding her in her mother's cell with that gun. What would've happened if she wasn't moved prior to Katherine's arrival- if he wasn't waiting for her in there instead?

"Miss Kyle, so far, has done splendidly.", Alfred eventually agreed, looking back up at the platform Katherine was sitting on, "But that only seems to be because it was in her best interest; that's not what a hero does, and you know that."

Katherine continued to watch the bats hanging from the cave roof, waiting for their familiar high frequency squeaks to become audible again. She'd not yet told anyone, but she'd damaged her ears with the noise of the alarm in Belle Reve, again.

It didn't seem to be permanent- at least not extreme permanent damage, but she could still hear the alarm, screaming in her ears.

Whether or not that was physical or psychological, she'd have to wait and find out.

The noise of the alarm made her remember the first time she was locked up at Belle Reve, it was one of the last things she'd heard before her mother came in and shot her.

She'd only agreed to go back to the prison with the impression she'd get to return the favour, but of course Batman knew that was her intention, he just needed to prove it.

Now he had his proof from Robin, what would happen?

"Master Bruce!", Alfred enthusiastically greeted, snapping Katherine out of her thoughts.

She quickly got to her feet and peered down at them.

At least her ears were starting to heal.

"Where is she?" Batman asked, going over to Dick who was half way through getting his stitches. "What happened to you?", he went to touch the fresh stitches, his gloved hand getting slapped away by Alfred.

"Do not get his wounds infected with...with whatever is on your hands!" Alfred quickly continued to stitch up Dick before the semi-open wound was contaminated.

Batman grunted, waiting for Dick's answer.

Dick looked up and made eye contact with Katherine, clearly unsure what to do.

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