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|Falcone Manor

|November 11 2010, 22:09

Catgirl shivered in the blizzard outside, impatiently waiting for someone to answer the door.

Batman's orders were to break into the manor, but he didn't know her personal connection to the Falcones, so there was no need to break in if she could peacefully wait to be invited in.

That was, if someone actually answered the fucking door.

Catgirl pulled out her phone to make sure Roy hadn't tried to contact her again through the storm. She was now starting to believe his call was a cry for help, not to wish her a happy late birthday.

She put her phone back into her utility belt and looked up at the snowy clouds covering the city.

Honestly, she was grateful she wasn't sent up there with the rest of the team- minus Wally, of course, who arguably got the worst job; he had to spend his birthday running across the country to deliver a heart to some girl.

And she thought her birthdays sucked.

After a few more minutes of freezing outside the large manor, Catgirl decided nobody was home. She started to pick the lock on the front door, quickly realizing it was already unlocked.

"Weird...", She thought aloud, standing back to look at the door for any signs of forced entry.

As if Felix couldn't hide something like that.

Very slowly, she made her way inside of the giant palace-like residence, closing the door behind her to keep the heat in. She brushed some of the frost off her suit before making her way through the manor, checking every room for signs of life. 

It wasn't long before she started to believe Batman's theory was right, because the house appeared to be empty.

Not even one of Falcone's staff were anywhere to be seen.

"Very weird..." Catgirl sighed, already knowing what would be behind Falcone's office door.

She knew the smell of death a little too well for comfort.

Hoping the body didn't belong to Carmine, she pushed the door aside and walked in.  

"Oh my gods-" She turned away, nauseous. 

Infront of Catgirl, leaned over Carmine's desk was...someone. 

If this was one Carmine Falcone, he looked nothing like he did in Batman's pic from the other night. His formerly fat body was now complete muscle, so much of it that his suit had been ripped in several places, just like his skin had in some places.

His eyes, which were wide open in a look of horror, had turned to a faded green, and a neon green liquid ran from his gaped mouth onto the desk, stopping at a small empty packet- the type commonly used to contain drugs.

Catgirl turned away from the horrific scene, once again nauseous as she recalled Felix telling her about a drug he'd used on her.

She ran out the office to find the nearest toilet to throw up in.


Catgirl had sent an anonymous tip into The GCPD about Carmine Falcone's murder.

She knew that they'd drop the case after learning none of the family members did it, mark it off as just another overdose. Due to Gotham not knowing the man behind the cat cowl and his history of drugs, the fact Calico did it would remain unknown- unless Batman leaked his info.

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