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|Gotham City
|August 3 2010, 23:15

Catgirl climbed through Artemis' open bedroom window, only to see it was empty. She listened in to see if the rest of the apartment was empty too, soon confirming that it was.

Now a little worried, Catgirl pulled out her phone and called Artemis' number. It sent her straight to voicemail. She bit her lip, quickly sending a voicemail, "Hey Arty, just making sure you're ok. I'm at your place. I got in through the open window, but nobody's-"

Someone called, cutting the voicemail off.


Irritated, Catgirl picked up, "Can you not trust me to be alone for-"

"Robin, watch-!", Someone else shouted in the background, a loud explosion cutting the phone off.

Just after hearing the loud boom over the phone, a suspiciously similar one went off outside. Catgirl ran back out onto the fire escape to try pinpoint the location the team were at. Idiots caused explosions all the time in Gotham, but she got a feeling this one was her idiots.

After a few minutes of being unable to locate them she climbed to the roof where she almost immediately saw an unnaturally bright flash of light coming from the nicer part of the city.

Catgirl's phone vibrated again. Robin. She anxiously picked up, "The fuck?!"

"Sorry 'bout that." Robin sounded either exhausted or hurt, "Little busy...with Amazo."

"Who- look it doesn't matter, I'm on my way.", Catgirl told him, "I'm ten or so minutes away, if I use my speed."

"No! Your fatigue! We have it under control-" Another loud explosion cut off the phone again.

It had barley been a few hours since she left the team alone and already they were in trouble. Of course she was going to help them, she just wanted to make sure there was no other way but going straight there, because that would get not only her but the whole team in trouble, for helping her sneak out of Mount Justice.

Still, it'd be much worse if The League found out she removed her monitor, knew the team needed help, and didn't go to aid them, and then they got themselves killed fighting whoever Amazo was.

Catgirl knew she had practically no choice but to go to help them, hoping Black Canary didn't say 'told you so' once her fatigue got her killed against this 'Amazo' opponent.

If that wasn't bad enough, when she convinced herself to actually go, it just so happened to all be going down at Robin's snob school, Gotham Academy.



Catgirl naturally looked up at any higher windows to enter through, her eyes locking with a familiar blonde ponytail.

"And I do this for free.", She muttered to herself, heading towards her old friend.

Artemis spotted her and ran to her, flinching slightly as another explosion went off in the school, across the street. "You found me!" To no surprise, she sounded more tense than relieved to be found like this.

"Yeah.", Catgirl avoided the hug, "Didn't exactly make it easy though." She looked at the outfit Artemis was wearing. "And thus?", She gestured the tight green suit and cowl, "I thought you said you didn't want to be a villain. Is that why you're out here and not in there?" She pointed to the school, "Your old man in there?" If he was, she'd not hesitate to charge in.

"No!", Artemis gasped at the assumption. "I'd never! This isn't a villain getup- I swear!"

Catgirl looked her up and down, "Then what is it supposed to be? Last time I checked halloween was- no, you're not. She pinched the bridge of her nose, the possibility too stupid to be true. She weakly laughed, "I can't do this."

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now