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|Washington, DC
|July 5 2010, 03:58

Not just Catgirl and Robin, but the entire team had just went silent- and tense. They were only supposed to be gone an hour or so, not the entire night. They'd snuck out against Batman's orders, nearly got themselves killed, and destroyed Cadmus. It was safe to say they weren't out of trouble yet. If anything, this was the part where the real trouble started.

"Well.", Catgirl sheepishly broke the silence, "At least Batman's got that no killing rule."

Robin laughed.

"Help me move the rubble.", Aqualad said to Superboy, who was still with the group. They had indeed managed to free him from Cadmus, as promised.

Once the rubble was moved off them, Catgirl carefully got out of Kid Flash's arms and to her feet, taking in the fresh air gratefully as she looked up at the moon and stars.

For a moment there she really doubted if she'd see them again...

Now she got at least some of her Cadmus memories back, she knew Cadmus was usually a one way trip.

She'd heard of anyone who came out.

Another impossible escape to add to her impossibly long list of impossible escapes.

"See, the moon.", Aqualad showed Superboy the night sky above them.

Catgirl smiled, watching Superboy's awed expression as they took in all the stars above them. For some reason this made a part of her sad, maybe jealous too.

The moment was quickly ruined when Kid Flash exclaimed, "And Superman?! Boy do we keep our promises or what?!"



Catgirl looked back at the moon and it wasn't just Superman, but the entire Justice League. Every hero she'd spent her childhood running from was headed straight for them, but the one she feared the most was her new mentor, Batman; He was glaring at her specifically.

Robin seemed to know exactly what she was planning on doing next because his hand slipped into hers. "Don't even think about running.", he warned, "You've got no chance against them in your current state."

He was right, but still.

"That's why..I'm running..." she breathed, feeling herself get anxious as The Justice League set foot on ground, Batman heading straight for her.

Robin let go of her hand. "Stay."

Catgirl sighed, stepping behind Robin for him to deal with it. It was his idea for her to come, he should deal with it. That sounded fair enough.

He apparently had the same idea. "It was entirely my fault.", Robin kept himself between Catgirl and their angry mentor, "I told her to come, and-"

"She's not in trouble.", Batman stopped him.

"What?!", Robin and Catgirl blurted in unison.

"She's not in trouble.", Batman repeated. "As stated in the terms of our contract, when I am not with her, you are in charge. You told her go, you face the consequences. Entirely."

Catgirl's eyes widened. Of course! As stated in her contract, if Batman wasn't around, for whatever reason, then Robin would be in charge of mentoring her until he returned. Catgirl thought it was a stupid term, as she played more of a mentor role to Robin that Batman had on some occasions, but for once, she was grateful to be bound by that stupid contact; it just saved her skin from the wrath of The Dark Knight.

Catgirl's knees gave in a little and she fell into Robin as another wave of fatigue hit her. "Oh- no, no, I got you.", he helped her stand upright before accepting, "I'll take full responsibility for Catgirl's actions today, and the consequences of them."

"Robin..", Catgirl held onto his now ripped up cape, destroyed from Cadmus' collapse, "That's not fair."

Despite what she wanted, she knew it was unfair to give Robin the full blame, as she chose- wanted to investigate at Cadmus. If she didn't get some memories out of it then she never would have went.

Batman knew this. "We will discuss this later.", he quietly said, "For now, get Catgirl back to The Batcave. She needs treatment, and can't be here, unmasked, when the emergency responders arrive."

"Thank you.", Robin quickly answered, scooping Catgirl up and running away with her towards the zeta tube they'd came out of.

"I'd say that was a solid 6.", he joked, something he often did when nervous.

" most.", Catgirl buried her head into the crook of his neck. She yawned, reminding, "I get a different scale than you, remember?"

"Right. For you then, a three- at most.", Robin updated, softly chuckling, "But you'll probably sleep through the punishment, won't you? Wanna trade?"

"No deal."

"Didn't think so." Robin sighed as they reached the zeta teleporter, "For what it's worth, you deserve a good rest after this first day." He smiled down at her, "Welcome to the life of a hero, Katherine."


Word Count: 809

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now