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TW: Child Abuse

|Wayne Manor
|July 7 2002, 18:37

Katherine hated Wayne Manor and Batman- Bruce Wayne- whatever his name was. He'd been keeping her locked away inside his obnoxiously large mansion for what seemed like forever now, in a room he was trying to convince her was her bedroom.

It was unbearable for a street kid like Katherine to be trapped within four walls like this. It seemed like an eternity, but in reality, it'd only been a few days since Batman found her beaten to a bloody pulp.

The 8 year old's mother, Catwoman, was responsible for the ruthless beating. She'd left her for dead near Crime Alley.

Batman was on patrol in the area, found her, and decided to bring her back to Wayne Manor- just until he found her mother and locked her up for what she did.

Katherine had convinced herself that it was her fault she got so hurt, that she didn't dodge as many of the attacks because of her fatigue, from the 10 hour long police chase she'd barley managed to escape.

In fact the police chase is what caused Catwoman to lash out, because to escape some of the GCPD, Katherine had no choice but to kill them.

They'd somehow followed her back to her mom's apartment and were going to reveal the location to be the home of Catwoman.

She had to protect her mom.

Luckily, Batman was patrolling the area and found her before The GCPD could. He said he'd protect her- and he did, at first; he took her back to The Batcave to heal, but then he locked her upstairs in Wayne Manor. He said it was somewhere the police would never look for her, but she knew he just wanted her away from her mom.

A part of Katherine wanted away from her mom too. She'd never been that angry at her before. It was horrible.

Katherine just wanted it all to be okay.

|August 6 2010, 18:38

Katherine opened her eyes to look up at a blurry chandelier.

"Great.", she sarcastically murmured to herself. There was only one place she knew that would put chandeliers in a spare room: Wayne Manor.

She sat up, holding her throbbing head, oblivious to who was sitting by the window with a lock pick.

"Crap!", He hissed, snapping his tool.

Katherine looked over at him, then down at the device around his ankle he was previously trying to break off.

She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

If she wasn't so shocked she would've laughed at the sight of it.

"Batman grounded me.", He huffed, refusing to make eye contact with her.

Katherine couldn't hold back her amusement so she laughed despite her head. It was practically unheard of to see a hero on tag, especially Gotham's innocent Boy Wonder.

"You have one too!", His cheeks flushed in embarrassment, "It's not- stop laughing at me, it's not funny!"

Katherine pulled her duvet over her head to block out the harsh light coming from the many windows in the room "It's a little funny...", she chuckled, listening to him jump down from his perch on the windowsill.

"Is not.", He grunted, sitting on the bed next to her. A moment later he lay down and sighed, "But since you think it is...I doubt you're going to help me get it off."

"Nope.", Katherine closed her eyes and smiled, "And it's probably more advanced than the last ankle monitor I had, because Batman now knows I can remove them, thanks to you."

"Thanks to me?" He sounded offended by this. "I covered for you!"

"Not very well." Katherine pulled the duvet down to her neck so she could see.

He didn't look amused, so she quickly added, "But you tried, and that's the main thing. Good job, Birdy."

His sparkly blue eyes narrowed further.

Katherine laughed. "Don't be like that, Dickhead, your unreliability earned you an extra holiday! Yay!"

"Batman grounded me." He didn't bother to give her a reaction to the nickname. "You too."


"So don't you want to escape?"

Katherine closed her eyes again and smiled, "No need; wait a little longer and he'll tell us we're needed on duty for something. He'll remove the tags so they don't get in the way, and he'll keep them off if we pretend we learned our lesson and won't disobey him again."

"You really think he'll do that?" Dick didn't sound convinced.

"Oh, I know that." Katherine assured, "Few hours time we'll be with the team on some mission destined to go wrong- or getting shot at by some goons somewhere in The Narrows."

"And if we're not?"

"Then we get a night off, it's a win-win." Katherine turned over onto a more comfortable position on her side. "Until then I'm going to try get some rest, stock up on energy for later."

"Later?", Robin questioned, "What's happening later?"

"Don't know-", Katherine yawned, "But I know it'll be exhausting."


Word Count: 827

A/N: The old note in this chapter was from when my country was first hit with Covid. No wonder my productivity for this book was so much better my chronically ill ass wasn't allowed to leave my room for like a year lmao. Ah, memories XD

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