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|Washington, DC
|July 5 2010, 00:01

"Time runs short.", An unfamiliar voice echoed in Robin's head, "You must awaken. You must awaken now!"

Robin's eyes shot open. He gasped, searching his surroundings. He was restrained and trapped inside a pod.

Not good surroundings.

Kid Flash and Aqualad were next to him in pods, but no sign of her. Catgirl. Part of Robin hoped she'd abandoned them and escaped, but the other part of him knew that even if she did turn on them, she wouldn't have got far.

"What?!", Kid Flash yelled at the clone watching them, "What do you want?!"

Superboy raised a brow, clearly unsure if Wally actually opened that big mouth of his or not.

"Uh, KF? How about we don't tick off the guy that can fry us with a look?", Robin suggested. "I can't find Catgirl if we're mush."

"Catgirl!", Kid Flash gasped, only just realising she wasn't with them. "What did you do to her?!", he demanded answers from Superboy. "I swear if you hurt her I'll-"

"Catgirl is safe.", Superboy assured, "Catgirl is a friend to Cadmus. She helped create me. I am forever in her debt."

Robin and Aqualad exchanged concerned glances.

What did she get herself into here?

"He can talk?!"

Robin shot Kid Flash a warning look. They'd already learned first hand that Superboy was not easy to fight- and that was when they weren't stuck in Cadmus pods.

However, the last they checked, Superboy wasn't in too much of a different situation than they were- and they could help them. If Superboy could just be convinced to switch sides...

"What?!" Kid Flash snapped Robin out of his thoughts. "Not like I said 'it.'"

Aqualad sighed, muttering to himself in Atlantean. Robin kept silent, thinking over what they knew of the situation thus far;

Superboy was a clone of Superman, created by Cadmus with the help of Catgirl while she was feral for reasons unknown. Catgirl wasn't here, but from the way Superboy was talking, she wasn't in any real danger from Cadmus- if they really wanted her alive.

As confident as Superboy seemed with his beliefs, they weren't his own; everything was programmed into him by Cadmus.

Until he saw her safe and sound, Catgirl would remain Robin's priority.

He wasn't losing her again.

Robin carefully took out the lock pick inside of his glove finger and worked away at the cuffs restraining him inside the pod. Catgirl taught him how to pick locks not long after he became Robin, so it was safe to say he was taught by the best. Still, these cuffs weren't easy, even for him, because all he seemed to be able to think about was her.

Presuming Superboy was right, what did Cadmus want with Catgirl if they weren't going to kill her?

Did they still think she was on their side- and when they discover she isn't, how would she escape?

Escaping impossible situations was nothing new to Catgirl. Not even a year ago she became the first person ever to escape the 'inescapable' Belle Reve Penitentiary. Even after watching the CCTV frame from frame, nobody could figure out how she did it, but she did.

Then again, she'd escaped every prison, asylum, or juvenile centre she'd ever been to. She'd spent most of her childhood escaping correctional facilities across the country, so everyone knew deep down she'd eventually end up escaping Belle Reve too.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now