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|Star City
|August 27 2010, 07:54

Katherine walked into the police station, officers at either side of her.

She thought Batman's last test to prove her loyalty to The Justice League was risky- this was next level dangerous.

Still, she continued to stay in character and slowly walk through the police station, the officers at either side of her completely oblivious to who they were actually checking in.

Katherine just hoped she'd find Artemis and their target before they realised who she was.

Originally, the mission was just supposed to be Artemis. Green Arrow was planning on sending her in alone, but Batman convinced him they'd have a better chance of getting what they needed if Katherine was there, as she also personally knew the juvenile villain in questioning, Icicle Jr.

The officers with Katherine reached some benches and roughly pushed her down to sit before walking off. Katherine gave it a moment before she turned to look at Artemis, who's eyes were full of panic.

"It's ok.", She whispered to her, "You'll be ok. Just keep cool, you'll be fine."

Artemis swallowed, anxiously looking Katherine up and down, replying, "It's not me I'm worried about."

"Me?" Katherine lightly chuckled. "I'll be fine. I'll get us out before they find out who I really am. As far as they'll know we're just two random kids who managed to slip away. Happens more than you'd think."

"I'm still allowed to be worried.", She mumbled, searching the waiting room for any familiar faces.

Icicle Jr clearly hadn't made it back from court yet. He should've been back by now though. "You should be more worried than anyone, you're...Catgirl.", She whispered the last part. "If anyone here recognised you, you'd never leave."

Katherine shook her head, also keeping an eye out for Jr. "Nah, they won't. The very few photos of me that were released to the public, I had long hair. Not to mention I was, like, 10 in them.", she assured, "That and I have no fingerprints, dental records, or birth certificate. So, even if we do get processed, they'll end up releasing me out of frustration- and to save them from looking through all their records, only to find nothing."

Artemis buried her head in her hands and groaned, "But they'll eventually figure out who I am. Ugh, Mom is so gonna kill me..."

"Hey, watch it!" A whiny teen stumbled into the station.

"Finally.", Artemis perked up a little, "Was starting to think he'd never show."

The cops led Icicle Jr around the corner and straight to the room Katherine and Artemis were waiting in. Katherine shifted along the bench so they'd place him there, and they did. Icicle Jr grunted at the cops as they pushed him into the seat between the girls and left.

"Cops, right?", Katherine mused.

Katherine had first met Cameron when she was 5 years old; she and Felix got busted in Metropolis by Superman and he sent them to the Star City Juvenile Detention Center. It was there Felix revealed their identities to Cameron, son of the super villain Icicle Sr. They eventually teamed up and used their powers to escape.

Those were the good old days- at least as good as the old days got with Katherine.

Icicle Jr looked at her, not recognising her at all. This wasn't because it'd been years since they last met though. Before going on the mission, Justice League member, Zatara, put a cloaking spell on Katherine; her previously green cat eyes were now a mundane brown, and her fangs and infamous scar had disappeared, making her unrecognisable to anyone.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now