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|The Batcave

|December 16 2010, 03:06

"Catgirl B-0-0."

Katherine's plan to sneak into The Batcave was ruined.

"Katherine?" Batman had stood up from his spot at The Batcomputer, and she knew he was staring at the skin the hospital gown didn't cover.

She'd accepted anything below her neck would be scarred for life- however long this one would last her.

Eventually she would get used to the staring that came with it.

"Your bandages-"

"Gone." Katherine's tone was bitter.

She didn't have any bad feelings towards Robin for what happened to her, but Batman was different.

Batman should've been the one saving Robin, not her.

"But your burns-"

"Are going to leave disgusting scars no matter what I do!" Katherine snapped at him, quickly regretting it.

What was worse than Batman being angry at her was when he pitied her.

"I'm sorry." He frowned, "I can't imagine-"

"No, you can't." Katherine muttered under her breath, "You can't imagine shit.."

Batman silently watched her for a moment before nodding, "I understand. If you need know where to find everything." He sat back at the batcompter as Katherine stood shaking in anger, her eyes watering with tears.

He didn't get to act like that, not when he could've prevented all this.

"Miss Kyle?!" Alfred clearly hadn't been told about the fire.

"I don't want to talk about it." Katherine warned him, keeping her head down as she passed him and made her way to the elevator.


Sleeping had become more of a challenge for Katherine.

Parts of her body were naturally sensitive, but now said parts were scarred it made getting comfortable near to impossible.

No matter how many times she changed her position, she just couldn't sleep like she used to,

After what seemed like another half an hour of time wasted tossing and turning Katherine gave up trying to sleep and started to wander the lifeless mansion instead.

Growing up she always feared walking the corridors of Wayne Manor- and that may have been because she wasn't welcome there, but a huge part of it was how cold it felt.

Usually a mansion in Gotham was full of warmth and life, the parties within them seemed to never stop, but Wayne Manor never truly felt warm to her.

Even at Dick's birthday party, just earlier this month, it looked fun, but Katherine knew that was just an act to make Bruce Wayne and his ward's lives look normal- as close to normal as a billionaire and their heir's lives could be.

Katherine stopped at the stairs and looked down them with a frown.

While she got her bandages removed, Katherine was still supposed to be in the hospital until she got the clear from the doctors treating her.

The only reason she wasn't currently in the ward was because Superman forgot she was naturally nocturnal when he decided to take a quick coffee break- that, and he forgot about her high pain tolerance.

Still, it wasn't quite high enough to go back downstairs.

Not wanting to make the pain any worse than it already was, Katherine turned around and shuffled back towards her room, stopping once she reached Dick's.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


Thinking she was too quiet, she knocked a little louder.

"Go away Katherine."

Go away?

Katherine looked down at the door handle, frustrated.

Guaranteed the door was locked so even if she were to try open it, she'd not be able to.

"Rob- Dick." She quickly corrected herself, "Dick, I already told you what happened-"

"It's my fault." His voice sounded muffled for a moment before he got out of bed and came closer to the door, until she could literally hear his heart breaking, "Batman was right; if I'd just waited for backup you-"

"Batman was right?" Katherine narrowed her eyes at the closed door, "You mean he blames you?"

"Of course he does." Dick almost laughed, "I should've waited for backup. I went after Calico knowing he was dangerous, in hopes I could talk to him, maybe help him."

Katherine remembered how Felix was with Robin the night of the fire; he saved him.

"But I guess Batman was right about him all this time, and because of it I hurt you-"

"No, you're wrong." Katherine reached out for the handle, having to restrain herself from trying it. "Really." she pulled her hand back, still eager to get into the room, "Please, open the door and I'll tell you everything-"

"No...Katherine, I can't...I can't see this.." Dick's voice became more distant again as he moved away from the door, "I'm sorry." he said, "It just hurts too much.."

Katherine narrowed her eyes at the door again.

Batman had him totally brainwashed.

This time he made Robin believe he was responsible for Katherine's scarring, when in reality he had more than enough time to catch a zeta tube and save his sidekick.

This was Batman's fault.

Word Count: 935

A/N: If you like this book please remember to vote and comment- if you have any Q&A questions about the book tell me and I'll add them into the Q&A at the end of the book! <3

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