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|Washington, DC
|July 5 2010, 02:19

"I hacked the motion sensors.", Robin smugly grinned over at KF, Aqualad and Superboy.

"Sweet, dude!", Kid Flash cheered, a little too loudly. Catgirl winced and moved her hands to cover her ears. While she was unconscious Cadmus took her cowl. She insisted they were too busy running for their lives to retrieve it, so she had to make do with the consequences.

Without her specially made cowl she was completely vulnerable to any noise or telepathy Cadmus could throw at her. That was a lot- and now they knew for a fact that she'd switched sides, they'd probably want her dead more than anyone right now, so they'd take advantage of her weakness and attack while she was most vulnerable.

Robin wasn't sure she'd survive even one attack in her current condition.

As far as he could tell, she was still fully conscious, but it looked like she could pass out any second. When that happened it wouldn't be an issue for him to carry her, as she only weighed 10lbs, but it did mean he'd not be able to use his computer to hack anything else.

They really were on the clock to escape.

|3 hours earlier

Catgirl lifted her head to look up at two familiar blue eyes, "...Dick?", she called out. Everything was spinning and her head felt as if it was going to roll straight off her neck.

It turned out that the reason her spinning head was because her cowl had been removed, leaving her vulnerable to the telepathic waves- which just so happened to be everywhere down in Cadmus.

"Robin..", She trailed off, her vision clearing enough to reveal the boy carrying her was not Robin.

"Not good.", Was all she could groggily say as she tried to wriggle her way out of Superboy's grip.

Somehow she'd managed to wake up from her energy saving state early, but because of this she felt extremely weak. Even if she did get out of his arms, she would still have to outrun him and she wasn't sure she could even walk on her own right now.

"Fine.", she huffed, resting her head on his chest as he carried her, "I'll stop struggling- tell me where you're taking me."


Catgirl was surprised at just how willing he was to listen to her. Usually the enemy took a good hour or so before they told you anything, but maybe- no, that'd be too good.

It would be, right?

Catgirl looked back up at his expressionless face, "Hey uh..Superboy?", she curiously wondered, "They didn't um..programme you to listen to me too, did they? Like the monk- genomorphs?"

Superboy continued to walk but she could feel him tense a little.

Good to know...

Catgirl leaned her head back onto his shoulder and fixed her gaze onto the creepy monkey-like creature that was perched on his other shoulder. "Those little monkey genomorphs...they're the only thing stopping you from ditching Cadmus, right?" She stretched her hand around his back and grabbed the monkey from behind. "If it were to somehow disappear-", she dropped the creature on the floor behind them, "-you'd be more than happy to help me free my friends and escape with us, right?"

Superboy stopped walking.

Catgirl smiled, her luck starting to look up a little.

She watched him as a small spark of anger spiked within. He did want to escape. She didn't need her powers to know what that felt like.

He didn't want to be here.

Who would?

"Maybe.", Superboy mumbled.

"O-Ok..." She felt her eyelids drooping again with a wave of fatigue, but fought it. "If you want me..", She only managed to whisper, but with a sharp nod, Superboy turned.

|Present time

"She's slowing us down.", Superboy suddenly spoke up, looking back at Catgirl. She was walking on her own, but Aqualad was very close behind, ready to catch her the moment she stumbled.

Superboy noticed the looks Kid Flash and Robin were giving him so he quickly clarified, "I meant I can take her from here. I-I'll keep her safe. You can trust me."

Robin and Kid Flash shared a glance. They weren't so sure if they really could trust him yet. Only a few hours ago he was attacking them, and who said he wouldn't do it again?

Kid Flash was weary about the idea, Robin wasn't having it at all.

"Hey, Robin." Catgirl had managed to sneak up behind him, making him flinch a little in surprise. "Superboy won't hurt me. I'm safest with him.", she said, making Robin look at her a little offended.

Since when was she safer with anyone but him?


"Dude.", Kid Flash cut off Robin, "She knows him better than anyone. If she says he'll keep her safest, he will."


"I've never listened to you Robin, what makes you think I'll start now?", She smirked in her usual over-confident manner, but Robin could see how tired she really was; she really did look like she was going to collapse at any moment.

If not for their lack of time he would've continued to argue until she realised he was right, but the longer they argued, the less chance they'd have of ever escaping Cadmus.

"Fine.", Robin gave in reluctantly, "But you better be careful."

"I will.", Superboy promised, "You can trust me."

"It's not you he's worried about." Aqualad explained, "Our friend here suffers from-"

"Motion and travel sickness.", Superboy spoke over him almost robotically, "It's one of Catgirl's greatest weaknesses, followed by her fatigue, sensitive hearing and-"

"Ok!", Catgirl became defensive all of a sudden, "Don't tell them all my weaknesses, I'd like to keep some of my information private, right?"

"Right." Superboy lowered his head, "Sorry, Catgirl."

"It's fine. Just don't go telling the heroes stuff they don't need to know.", She mumbled, clearly irritated at him. After shaking it off she turned to the others, "Ok, the stairs here should give us a way up. Cadmus, by now, will be getting scared; we have information on them they don't want leaked, and take it from me, getting revealed to the world sucks."

"So how long do we have until we run into them?", Kid Flash asked.

Catgirl looked behind them at the empty corridor. "Not long.", she replied, "So we better climb those stairs now."

The boys didn't need any more than that. They made their way up the stairs, lead by KF and Aqualad, who were in charge of clearing the path, then Superboy who was in charge of carrying Catgirl, who herself was using what little was left of her power to listen in for danger, and then Robin, who was following Superboy, making sure he was being as careful as he promised he'd be.

Chances of escape were slim, but if they worked together as a team they did have a chance.

A chance was all they needed.


Word Count: 1174

A/N: If you haven't already, please add this series to your reading lists and remember to vote/comment to show support! <3

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