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A/N: I haven't edited this chapter yet but I saw that the last few chapters of this book have HUNDREDS more reads than a huge part of the book. I spent a lot of time and effort writing this book, so if you've skipped it all to read the ending please consider going back and reading the whole book.

|Gotham City
|January 1 2010, 09:40

Previously, Katherine had saw Mooney Bridge as a place where she'd made all of her worst decisions.

She'd come here to reflect on them.

Now she was here to try and forgive them, because it didn't matter how many people forgave her for all the horrible things she'd done in the past, she knew she still needed to forgive herself.

She leaned against the suicide barrier, looking through the cage-like wall it at the murky water below.

As always it looked cold, dark and cruel.

Was she like that?

It didn't matter, because she knew a part of her always would be, and it wouldn't be long now until that resurfaced.

Just how long did she have left before she went feral again?

"Heartbreak isn't a good look on you, Kath."

"And that tacky leopard print jacket isn't a good look on you." Katherine replied, not even a second after.

"Ouch." Felix let himself fall back into the barrier, making it shake before the thin metal moulded around him.

Katherine glanced over her shoulder at him.

He was different to how he looked when he was younger, but he still had the same infamous smirk and that deadly mischievous look in his eye.

"What do you want?"

"Can I not just want to check up on my baby sister? See how she's dealing with her breakup?"

Katherine narrowed her eyes at him. "No."

Felix dropped the act and dramatically huffed, "Fine then, I'm here to ask about The Justice League's newest member."

"How did you-"

"They announced his enrollment on live TV? Few days ago? Ring any bells?"

Roy. He was talking about Roy. Not her.

Katherine was yet to actually confront him about Cheshire and officially break up with him.

She didn't even know how she'd do that, considering she was yet to find out if their relationship was even real.

Did she want to break up with him?

No- of course she did.

Programmed clone or not, he still cheated.

"Scared of confrontation?" Felix laughed, "Wow, those heroes really have made you soft- ow!"

Katherine shook off her hand and glared at him, "A little compassion would be nice."

"I'm feral." Felix shrugged, "Take what you can get."

Katherine rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Just go away before I go feral."

"There's the Katherine I know; death threats and disgust." Felix chuckled, standing up straight and adjusting his jacket.

"Yes, you know me so well." Katherine sarcastically mumbled, checking her phone to see the time.

"Expecting someone?" Felix asked, looking both ways across the bridge like he would know who to look for.

"Other than The GCPD? No." Katherine gestured his flashy designed jacket, "If I wasn't attracting attention before I definitely am now."

"Yeah, yeah, sue me."

"Don't tempt me." Katherine warned.

Felix sheepishly laughed, leaning back further onto the barrier.

"You never answered my question." He asked again, "Who're you expecting?"


That was true, she wasn't expecting anyone; they were expecting her, and within the next 10 minutes.

"You know you can't lie to me, right?" He grinned, "Like, I literally taught you how to lie, so you just can't."

Katherine scoffed, "You barley taught me anything."

"I taught you more than enough." Felix shrugged, "So spill. What are Katherine Kyle's plans today?"

Enrolling in The Justice League, apparently.

"You know I can't tell you that, Calico, you're supposed to be my enemy."

"I'm still your brother, Felix."

"Who used me to spread The Light's gossip." Katherine glared at him, "Yeah, I think I'm excused for not trusting you with my plans after that."

"I helped you out of a toxic relationship." Felix put his hands up, "You know I would've told Robin instead, if it didn't benefit you."

Katherine phone buzzed in her pocket making her close her eyes and take a breath before looking back at Felix and faking a smile, "I'm just going to hang out with my teammates."

"Finally, an answer..." Felix narrowed his eyes at her, "And it wasn't a lie...but it wasn't the truth either." He grinned and nodded, impressed, "Well played, Kath, well played."

"I need to go before I'm late." Katherine told him, speed-walking away from him to make her way to the nearest zeta tube.

Felix followed her.

"Go away, Felix."

"Can I not walk my baby sister to her friends' place?"

"No- and I'm not your baby sister anymore. Stop calling me that."

"You'll always be my baby sister."

"I will shoot you."

"You'll miss- and if you don't you'll turn feral, so it's a win-win really."

"You're unbelievable."

"You love me."

"I tolerate you."

Katherine stopped arguing with him once they reached the alley the zeta tube was hidden in.

Felix peered into it, clearly confused.

"Isn't this where we jumped that guy back in '96? Well, I jumped the guy, you just sort of sat there all cute and shit."

At least this meant The Light probably didn't know where the hidden zeta tubes were.

"I'm meeting my friends here. They'll be here soon." Katherine warned, "Robin knows you're alive and he's a smart kid so it won't take him long to-"

"Already leaving." Felix waved then blew a kiss, "Love you!"

Katherine cursed under her breath, waiting for him to leave the area before she even thought about walking into The Watchtower's meeting room.

She took a moment to mentally prepare for it all before teleporting to the satellite, knowing that no matter what she decided, this meeting would undoubtedly change her life.

Katherine's game wasn't over- it was just beginning.

Word Count: 951

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now