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|Cadmus Laboratories, Washington, D.C.
|July 4 2010, 20:37

Catgirl got irritated waiting for Robin to take out the final camera at the door so she punched it, shattering the lens.

"There.", She flicked some of the glass out her hand, "Camera 74 is down, can we get going?"

"47.", Robin corrected, "And no, you should know better than anyone, going in guns blazing is a terrible idea."

"It beats waiting to be caught. We've been here way longer than you said we would be, and we haven't even found anything out- just that they have those giant...alien elephants, walking around, waiting to crush us around the corner."

"She has a point.", Aqualad at least agreed with some of what Catgirl said, "Surely Cadmus have noticed you've disabled all of their cameras?"

"Nope, just that one." Robin pointed to the camera Catgirl had just shattered, "The others are on a loop, making it look like we were never here. Even then, they surely won't drop everything to check one camera, so we still have time."

"Yeah, maybe you guys do." Catgirl gestured herself, "But I'm only going to last a few more hours- at max."

Aqualad squinted at her slightly, "And if you don't rest in time, what happens then?"

Everyone else fell silent.

Catgirl cleared her throat, "It won't come to that. We just need to get behind this door and we can leave, report the info we found to The League, and they can't be mad at us for running off. If anything, they'll be thanking us, because we're currently doing their job for them."

"Exactly." Robin nodded, walking around her to hack into the door.

Kid Flash looked down, avoiding eye contact with Aqualad, who didn't seem satisfied with that answer in the slightest.

Robin backed up from the door as it slid open and they all walked into a huge room, gaping at what was inside; from the floor, all the way to the ceiling high above, tubes full of monkey-like aliens sparked and buzzed with electricity.

Catgirl wandered down the center of the room, keeping herself as far away from the tubes as possible.

It was safe to say she had added monkeys to her long list of fears.

If Felix were still here he'd probably try and 'cure her' by shoving her into a tube with one of the monkeys.

He'd do it to show her that despite their razor claws and pointed fangs, they won't actually kill anyone, they just wanted a hug.

Catgirl knew better than anyone that fangs and claws weren't just for show.

Luckily, the monkeys appeared to be asleep in their tubes, and had no idea they had company of the hero type.

"This is why they aren't on the grid, they make their own elec.." Kid Flash started to say but she'd zoned out, stopping to stare at one of the monkeys.

She could've sworn a memory was trying to resurface, but couldn't figure out what.

Then it finally hit her; all of her memories of Cadmus came flooding back at once.

By the time it all came back she felt drained, everything spun, and she collapsed to her knees.

"Catgirl!", Someone yelled, but they seemed so far away to her.

Still, she forced herself to stand, staring at the monkeys, the genomorphs, with wide eyes.

This was too dangerous- even for her.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now