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|Mount Justice
|August 8 2010, 18:42

When the team all went back to the cave to meet Catgirl, she was with Batman, Green Arrow and a new face; a girl with long blonde hair- and she wearing a green suit, with a very familiar arrow on her chest.

Robin started to question what was happening. He suspected that someone new would be coming to the cave, a possible new teammate, and that Catgirl was somewhat excited about it, but other than that he was in the dark.


"This is Artemis.", Catgirl cleared things up, "She's joining the team."

"She's my niece.", Green Arrow quickly added, earning a dirty look from Catgirl, who shortly looked back at the team and nodded to confirm it.

"This is my friend from Gotham.", Catgirl explained, "It's where I've been disappearing to lately. I thought she'd have more sense than to get into all this hero stuff, so I didn't tell you about her...but I guess I stand corrected." She moved her glare over to Artemis, who diverted her eyes.

"Recognised, Kid Flash B-0-3"

"The Wallman is here!", Wally exclaimed as he teleported into the cave, clumsily tripping over all the beach stuff he'd brought with him.

Catgirl caught the beach ball and popped it with her claws. She seemed excited about Artemis' arrival earlier, but now she was actually here...

Artemis crossed her arms in amusement. "The Wallman, huh?" She raised her brow, "And what exactly are your powers?"

Wally awkwardly got up and brushed himself down. He looked Artemis up and down before turning to Catgirl, "Who's she?"

He also didn't seem as happy to meet the 'she' mentioned during the video call.

"Artemis, your new teammate.", Artemis smugly introduced herself.

Wally smiled back, "Kid Flash, never heard of you."

"She's Green Arrow's protege." Catgirl looked away from Green Arrow.

"What happened to the old one?", Wally frowned, oblivious to the lack of real information being told about this Artemis. But, as if he'd been summoned, the zeta tube activated:

"Recognised, Speedy, B-0-6"

Red Arrow entered The Cave, ignoring everyone to go straight to Catgirl.

"No, this can't be good...", Catgirl walked over to meet him, "What's-"

Red Arrow roughly grabbed her arm and started to pull her towards the zeta tubes.

"Hey!" Robin ran infront of them to block the way. "What do you think you're doing?!"

They stopped and Catgirl shook her head at him as if to warn him to back off.

Robin's eyes went to Red Arrow's side, which was bleeding. "You're bleeding.", he pointed out, not sure how to react.

Catgirl yanked her arm back and pushed Red Arrow so he'd show her. He sighed and lifted his arm to show the deep cut on his side. "That's...", she looked up at him, a worried expression on her face, "You idiot, what did you get yourself into?"

"Trouble.", Red Arrow moved his arm back over the cut to hide it, "And only you know the code."

Catgirl's expression turned to offence and she backed away from him.

"Code?" Green Arrow approached to try and help his injured ex-sidekick, "We can help you. What is this about?"

Red Arrow glared at him, "No, you've done enough." He side eyed Artemis, clearly unimpressed with his replacement, "Can she even use that bow?"

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now