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|Wayne Manor

|December 1 2010, 23:32

Katherine sat on the roof of Wayne Manor, watching the guests below her in the garden.

It was Dick's 14th birthday today and like always there was this big fancy Bruce Wayne funded party.

A party she couldn't go to.

These types of parties weren't exactly her scene, but she didn't want to miss another one of Dick's birthdays, so she decided to show for him anyway, hoping she'd be able to catch him alone before the clock struck 12.

He was currently in the the garden with a red head, and Katherine had been watching them for a while now; it was safe to say that if Zatanna were here she'd be jealous.

"Thought it was you up here."

Katherine didn't react to the blonde next to her at all. She kept watching Dick and the red head laugh, drinking their mocktails in the garden below.

Artemis clocked what Katherine was staring at and snickered, "Never took you for a cougar, Katherine. A gold digger though-"

"Dick's just an old friend." Katherine rolled her eyes, "I'm just not wanting his party to get raided by the FBI if I decide to wish him a happy birthday. Things have been hard for us since I went feral, since I came back to life it's not been much easier."

"And he knows you're alive?" Artemis raised a brow.

"As I said." Katherine repeated, "He's an old friend."

She watched him laugh with the red headed girl, and if she didn't know any better, Katherine would almost say he looked normal.

For the first time in a while he looked genuinely happy, and it was comforting to see.

"Her name's Barbara by the way." Artemis spoke up, "She's the commissioner's daughter. In all of his classes at Gotham Academy. Good girl."

"Huh." Katherine studied the red head closer, "So she's that Barbara he's been telling me about?"

"Yeah, that Barbara." Artemis sounded like she had mixed feelings about the girl. "She's pretty much top of her class for everything. A total goody-two-shoes. I have P.E and Homework Club with her."

"Homework club?" Katherine looked her childhood friend up and down, "Who are you and what have you done with the real Artemis?"

Artemis rolled her eyes, "I don't have time to do homework out of school because of the team- M'gann, Connor and Zatanna do the same. I imagine Robin does too. As for Kid Mouth...I'm not even sure he did homework before he put on the mask."

"The team..." Katherine's smile faded, " is everyone- with me, I mean?"

Artemis sighed, "Honestly, they're all convinced you're the mole...and I hate to say this but..I guess I can see why.."

Katherine nodded, taking it in.

"Obviously I don't agree!" Artemis quickly added, trailing off again, "But I know that if people treat you like the villain you'll-"

"I won't" Katherine cut her off, keeping her eyes on the party, "And once the real mole is caught and everyone realises i'm not the monster you all think I am-"

"Nobody thinks you're a monster, Katherine.." Artemis frowned, hearing her presume what everyone thought behind her back, "It's just..."

"I have a history, I know." 

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