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|Outside of Gotham City

|October 31 2010, 05:21

Robin winced, clutching his side as the Batmobile went off the country road and into private Wayne property.

"Pressure.", Batman repeated, keeping his eyes on the waterfall they were headed for.

Robin gritted his teeth from the pain and looked out the front passenger window. 

They were speeding through Wayne Woodlands- what was left of a large forest that used to surround the city. It was now only a few hundred trees, thanks to city expansions cutting down any trees that weren't protected on private property.

Robin remembered playing hide and seek in these trees when he was younger. 

The only person who ever beat him was Katherine. 

He weakly laughed to himself, thinking about the simpler times.

"Robin!" Batman moved one of his hands off the wheel to firmly press down on the heavily bleeding wound. 

The splash of water as they drove through the waterfall masked Robin's scream. His wound hurt more than he'd initially noticed. "Batman.."

"We're here." Batman parked inside the Batcave and jumped out the Batmobile, leaving Robin alone to stare down at the blood soaking his suit. If he didn't die from his injuries, Alfred would surely kill him for the trouble of getting all that blood out.

"Robin?" He could've sworn he heard Katherine's voice. At first, he thought he was hallucinating it. Then she was suddenly leaned over him, pushing down onto his wound. That felt real. "Robin, you- that's..that's a...lot..blood.." 

She watched with wide eyes as Batman pushed her aside to get into the Batmobile.

"Killer Croc." Batman undid his belt and scooped his small injured frame up into his arms.

Robin looked over at Katherine as he was taken to the Batcave's infirmary. "Happy Birthday." He gave her a weak smile, hoping she'd not realize he'd quite obviously wandered into the sewers after her.

Katherine knew this was exactly what he'd done to run into Killer Croc. "Don't even.", she warned him not to say more as she ran ahead to prepare some anesthetic. 

Batman nodded gratefully to her and lay Robin down onto the operating table while he got the rest of what they'd need to save him. 

Robin looked up at Katherine with a frown. Her makeup was messier than usual, her mascara streaked down her face. "You've been crying.", he stated, reaching an arm out to try comfort her.

"No shit." Katherine put the anesthetic effortlessly into a syringe, flicking it afterwards to get rid of any air bubbles. "Now shut up. I don't wanna fuck this up."

"You wanna talk about it?", Robin asked, watching her grab his reached out arm to find a vein.

"Not the time." She found a vein and injected, telling him, "It's a local, so it's only gonna take the edge off. Your own fault for messing around in the sewers."

"I was worried.", Robin defended his reasoning for going down there, "I had every right to be. Calico...I thought he'd got to you.."

Katherine diverted her gaze.

Calico...Felix...he did get to her.

"Well I'm back now.", she looked back at him, narrowing her eyes, "You need to worry about yourself."

Katherine did more than enough worrying for her own self when it came to her not-so-dead-anymore older brother. He'd left her with little choice but to return to Batman and the Justice League, less she wanted to become feral with him. 

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now