476 13 1

TW: Death

|August 13 2010, 23:55

"Robin, are you sure she's still here?", Miss Martian frowned as the pair walked towards the office the crime scene was at.

They expected to meet Catgirl outside smoking, but she wasn't.

Robin found that weird; he knew Katherine would take any chance she could to smoke without being scolded for it.

Miss Martian thought she'd ditched them, but now Robin understood her a little better, he knew she'd still be inside.

"She's still here.", He said, stopping outside the office's locked door.

Miss Martian frowned at him, still a little doubtful of Catgirl.

Robin naturally looked up, and pointed at the open vent, "See, still here. She just didn't want to leave evidence of a break in. Catgirl rarely leaves clues."

He knocked on the door to get in, knowing she'd be on the other side.

There was a short silence before Catgirl called from inside the office, "What's the password!"

Robin loudly sighed.

"Come on, Catgirl, not now.." He took out his lock pick to open the door himself, but Miss Martian beat him to it and used her powers to open the door.

Catgirl took a step back to gain her balance; her cowl was off, exposing her to Miss Martian's powers.

"Careful.", Catgirl's tone was in-between a warning and a threat as she pulled her cowl back on. She leaned to the side to see behind the door. "Stiff's there.", She insensitively pointed out the medical examiner as Robin closed the door to fully reveal her.

Miss Martian gasped and turned away.

Catgirl smirked at her and went back to
rummaging through the belongings the examiner kept in her desk. She'd seen way too many corpses to care anymore.

Working in Gotham, Robin could almost say the same thing, but unlike Catgirl he always made sure to be respectful; this medical examiner could've been someone's grandmother.

He approached the body and carefully scanned over her for any clues, his eyes stopping once he saw her hand was under her body. This was something that seemed unlikely considering the position her body fell in- unless she purposely made sure to land that way.

"Wait a minute.." He figured out why the old woman might have done that, "Her hand. She could be hiding something in it."

Catgirl hopped over the desk, landing next to them. If she didn't weigh 10lbs the impact would've moved the body. She crouched by the examiner curiously.

"Can you check without disturbing the crime scene?", Robin asked.

"Duh." Catgirl placed her hand on the solid corpse for balance as she slipped her other one under their back.

"Wait!", Miss Martian stopped her. "Won't you leave fingerprints?", She gestured Catgirl's fingerless gloves- something about an awkward lighter.

"No." Catgirl continued what she was doing. "Bastet made sure I was born without fingerprints, so cops can't identify me if I kill- or steal, normally stealing only..." She pulled out a framed photograph and laughed, "But that is the ugliest shade of red lipstick I've ever seen in my entire lives."

Robin took the black and white photo from her as she continued to explain to Miss Martian how she could tell exactly what colours greys converted into with her cowl. She proceeded to complain about the night vision in it.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now