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|Washington, D.C.
|July 5 2010, 03:09

The boys reached the top of the staircase, now only one level below ground. Catgirl had made it to the top flight before her motion sickness kicked in and she fainted again.

Robin protectively held her in his arms as he hacked. "Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.", he muttered to himself over and over as he tried to hack the elevator to get up to the next floor and escape. Now she was unconscious again the boys wouldn't be able to find any other way out of Cadmus without leaving her- but that was entirely out of the question, they were not leaving her here.

"What is he saying?" Aqualad watched Robin, confused.

Kid Flash sighed, "No idea, sometimes he just switches back to Romani."

"Robin is Romani?" Aqualad looked even more confused, "But Batman isn't-"

"Yes, I am. No, he isn't." Robin hissed, "Now can you please be quiet? I can't concentrate."

"I don't think it's us that's really distracting you.", Kid Flash stated, gesturing Catgirl who was still in her energy saving state, limp in Robin's arms.

Robin glanced down at her and his cheeks flushed. He shot back at Kid Flash, "Yeah? Well, if you-" he was cut off by Superboy, who had somehow went through the roof to the floor above, the floor they needed to get to in order to escape.

Unphased, Kid Flash looked up at the hole in the roof. "Huh.", he deadpanned, "Well that's one way to break through the roof."

"He needs help.", Aqualad added more logically.

"Tell me about it.", Kid Flash said.

"No." Aqualad looked up at the hole, "He's in battle."

"Battle?" This had got Robin's attention. He put away his computer and stood up with Catgirl still in her arms. "With what?" It made no sense for one of Cadmus' genomorphs to be that high up; that would risk the public finding out.

"Don't know." Kid Flash had backed up a little to give him self a running start. "It sounds like he's outmatched though." roaring could now be heard from above them, the source not Superboy.

"Well you and Aqualad take care of it, I'm finding an escape route and getting Catgirl out of here.", Robin told them, firing his grappling hook to lift himself and Catgirl to the floor above.

"No," Aqualad grabbed his cape before he could ascend, "We are a team. We stick together, no matter what."

Robin looked to Kid Flash for some back up, but Kid Flash looked at Catgirl unsure. "Yeah..", he sounded just as unsure as he look, "She does need some emergency care...but at the same time Aqualad's got a point; no man left behind, all that." He hesitated but decided, "Sorry dude, but you can't ditch us, not until we're out of here. Until then, you're both staying put."

"But she could die!" Robin tugged his cape back from Aqualad, "You don't know how much danger she's in right now. She needs life support- now!"

"We're all in danger, Robin.", Aqualad stated, "And if we split up we will all die. Catgirl's escape from here included all of us, together. She can hold on a little longer, we cannot."

"Fine!", Robin snapped, making Catgirl wince in her sleep again. He glared at Aqualad and Kid Flash, "I'll help you and Superboy, but after that I don't care if you're coming with me or not, I'm getting her out of here. She's priority."

"Fine.", Aqualad could settle with that. He took one step back before jumping to the hole in the roof above and climbing through it.

Kid Flash ran over to the hole and did the same.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now