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|Bialyan Desert
|Sep 4 2010, 11:00

A bright light woke Robin up. The morning sun. He turned over into the sand and groggily mumbled, "Alfred, close the curtains..."


He was laying on sand.

Robin's eyes shot open and he jolted up to his feet to look around at never-ending dunes of sand.

His head suddenly spun and a wave of nausea sent him straight back to the ground.


It would be stupid to get up again so soon, so he turned onto his back and groaned, using his arm to shield his eyes from the blinding light.

Only after a while of just laying there and waiting for the spinning to stop did Robin slowly force himself to sit up and assess the situation.

At the current moment, he had no idea how he got into the desert, nor how long he'd been out there for. He felt dehydrated, groggy and extremely nauseous- those symptoms may or may not have something to do with the fact he'd been unconscious in the middle of the desert for who knows how long.

Wait, how long had he been there?

He hadn't the faintest idea. Not at all.

His conclusion: Batman grounded him, again.

Robin loudly sighed and lay back in the sand, letting himself drift off into unconsciousness again.

Batman would eventually pick him up- before he got too dehydrated, hopefully.


"Psst." A shade covered Robin. "Psst" She knelt over him and poked his face, jokingly wondering, "Hey Birdy, you dead?"

Robin's eyes shot open at the old nickname. Only one person called him that. "Kitten!" He was soon ontop of her as he tightly hugged her, afraid if he let go he'd wake up from the mirage.

At least he thought it was a mirage; mirage Catgirl would never hold a knife to his throat. "Don't Kitten me.", she hissed, "Dead or not, I'm still mad at you."

Robin gasped under her. He was so happy she'd come back from the grave to remember A.) she was previously feral and B.) it was his fault.

He closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the burning steel to slice into his neck.

"Open your eyes, Dickhead", She sighed, getting back to her feet, "Nobody's dying until we're out this desert. I'm calling a temporary...truce." She held her hand out for him to shake.

Robin slowly opened his eyes and got up, taking a proper look at her.

He couldn't help but cry a little. " were dead..", he quickly wiped away his tears, "But you were actually in hiding all this time." he reached out for her hand, but she changed her mind on the shake and slapped his hand away.

"Don't give me that sentimental shit, Robin." She crossed her arms as she looked up at the sky and dropped the current subject, going on to state, "You know none of this makes any sense. We're in the middle of a desert, I'm wearing a Batman-made suit, and I can't remember anything about how any of that happened."

Robin looked at her upgraded suit and frowned, "You're right...but," he looked back at her, hopeful, "That means-"

"I came out of hiding, lost my mind and joined Batman-"

"No- I mean, yes, but not that. Maybe. I can't remember..", Robin rubbed his throbbing head, "Both our memories are gone."

"Yeah, that too.", Catgirl nodded, rubbing her own throbbing head, "Our memories have definitely been wiped by someone. I can feel it."

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