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|Mount Justice
|December 22 2010, 23:59

Katherine called Robin.

He'd been quiet today.

Too quiet.

Ever since the fire, Robin had been distancing himself with Katherine, but since she'd come back to the cave he was at least acknowledging her existence.

Maybe she was just feeling lonely because the cave was so empty today, but a part of her had a bad feeling about him and she wanted to make sure he was ok.

She was growing increasingly worried about Robin lately.

He just wasn't himself anymore.


"It's my picture isn't it?" She smiled, glad to hear his voice.

"What do you want?" He asked, coming across as more tired than rude.

In fact he sounded exhausted.

"I was just making sure you were ok..." She lost her smile, frowning at his groggy tone, "What have you been doing all day?"


Katherine rolled her eyes, "I don't even need to visit The Batcave to know that's a lie. Where are you really?"

The moment she saw his location was at The Batcave she knew he'd hacked The Justice League systems to say that.

He'd not actually said it, but after everything that happened between Batman and himself, The Dynamic Duo had practically fell apart.

They'd not been alone together in weeks.

"The circus." He quickly changed his answer.

Judging by just how quickly he said it, Katherine knew that time he was telling the truth.

"The circus." She would've preferred The Batcave, "This circus got a name?" Deep down she already knew exactly what circus, but didn't want to say it aloud incase it brought up bad memories.

"Gotham Circus."

Another lie.

If the circus was in Gotham there was only one circus that was brave enough.


"Haly's." He sighed, "I'm at Haly's Circus. They're passing through Gotham. Okay?"

"And you didn't think to tell me?"


"Oh I don't know, maybe because I was there?-" Katherine stopped herself from finishing that sentence.

She reminded herself that she was calling to make sure he was ok, not make him worse.

"The night of the accident, I know." Robin roughly finished, "That's why I didn't tell you or Wally, because you know."

"Wally?" Katherine questioned, "That implies you told the rest team about the that where everyone else is right now?"

"I didn't tell them about me or what happened...but yeah, we're all undercover. I need help that won't bring up...those- I got to go. Sorry." He hung up.

"Hey-" Katherine sighed and stared down at the picture of them on her phone.

It was taken maybe a week after he became Robin.

She'd go as far as saying it was probably the first thing he did on his wrist computer, before he learned how to do anything else on it.

She really missed that kid.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now