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|Star City
|December 30 2010, 05:14

Roy had been smoking on the roof of his apartment building for a few minutes now.

"Still smoking." Catgirl muttered, "Another thing you lied about."

Catgirl kept her distance on a rooftop a couple blocks away so she could see him, but he couldn't see her.

She decided that was the safest way to play it, as in the short amount of time she'd been with Roy he knew exactly how to read her.

If he was the mole she couldn't let him know she knew.

"Still smoking?" Robin suddenly asked from her phone, making her drop it from the unexpected loud noise.

"Robin!" She hissed, picking up her now smashed phone.

Robin laughed, knowing full well she'd just smashed yet another phone.

Catgirl growled as she picked it up, unable to really scold him as he was helping her.

Batman was wrong when he thought she wouldn't let Robin in on the loop.

He had no idea half the things she'd told Robin since their reunion back in July.

"Yes, Robin, he's still smoking." Catgirl said as calmly as she could through gritted teeth, putting her phone on the roof ledge to prevent further smashing as she lit a cigarette of her own.

Robin sighed at the sound of her lighter, "I thought you said you quit smoking too."

"When?" Catgirl smirked, looking back over at Roy's apartment building, "I don't remember saying that."

"It's bad for you." Robin stated.

"So's hero work." Catgirl retorted.

"You're retired."

"My lungs healed when I came back to life in Bialya-"

"And you ruined them again just earlier this month from smoke inhalation." He cut her off, clearly frustrated.

Catgirl lightly laughed, "You'd think you were the one spying on your boyfriend. Calm down Birdy, and take a breather. Even if you're half way across the country right now, you're making me uneasy."

Robin muttered something in Romanian before going silent.

Catgirl focused on Roy again.

That's when she noticed Roy's mouth was moving between draws of his cigarette.

He was talking to someone.

Catgirl squinted in hopes of seeing better, thinking maybe she'd missed someone else on the rooftop with him.

"You by a computer?" She asked.

"Who?" Robin asked, "Me?"

"Don't ask stupid questions."

"Says the one asking if I'm by a computer!" Robin scoffed, "Of course I'm by a computer, why wouldn't I-"

"Just shut up and hack Roy's phone." She spoke over him, "He's not the type to have full conversations with himself."


"Fine." Catgirl mimicked, flicking her cigarette away to concentrate on what Roy was saying.

It was a bit of a stretch to make out everything he was saying, but she caught onto the frequent use of one word.


Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now