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A/N: Another flashback and filler. This chapter may be a little too mature for younger readers, so read at your own discretion.


|Gotham City
|September 28 2008, 04:20

"Come on, Katherine. Please just come home...", Robin held out his hand, desperately. Catgirl stared at it, her tears only just masked in the rain.

She ran away from Wayne Manor after she felt herself slipping off the rails again. No matter how many drugs she had in her system she just couldn't resist the urge to kill anymore. It was getting too much. So for once she did the heroic thing and ran away, back to the streets so nobody had to go down with her.

After Felix died she lost the only person who cared about her, she had nobody- until the night of 'The Grayson Accident', where she met Robin, a boy just like her; a boy with nobody left.

The 'accident' happened while she was in a very dark place. So much so that people blamed her for the accident, said that she committed the crime- but she didn't. She went to Haly's Circus to commit what most would call a crime, but to her it was justice; she only ever went to steal the wild cats and free them on her uncle Bane's island. She never even knew about Tony Zucco's plan to kill the Flying Graysons until it was too late to stop it.

She saw it happen. She watched them break on the ground. She heard Robin's screams of pain- felt them. He'd lost the only people who ever cared about him too. She promised to change that there and then, so she sat with him until the police arrived, broke into his foster homes so he'd never be alone in them, and made sure that when he was taken in by Bruce Wayne aka Batman, that he'd never have to be alone with him.

Now she had to break that promise, before he got caught in her crossfire.

"Katherine, please...", He begged, "Come home-"

"I-I can't!", she yelled over the rain, "I won't!"

She couldn't. If she were to go with him, back to Wayne Manor, it wouldn't change anything- infact she'd be even more dangerous. If she went back there she'd end up killing him. It was taking everything in her to hold back as it was.

"Why not?" Robin looked hurt. "We miss you...I miss you.." He kept his hand out for her to take, "Please come home, Katherine, don't leave me alone..." She could hear the buzzing of an earpiece in his ear, making her back up even further from him.

It was Bruce.

"I'm sorry!", She cried. "Please forgive me. I want to go home. I really do, but if I go home I'll kill someone. I can hold off my feral instinct a little longer, but I need to do it alone. If I'm with people when I'm like this, I zone out, I forget they mean anything to me, and everyone blurs together until eventually all they are to me is prey; if I'm near anyone when I lose control, they'll lose their lives. I need to be alone. Please, just let me be alone..."

Robin shook his head and pulled his hand out of her reach, behind his cape. "You won't!", he yelled over the wind, holding his other hand out for her to take, "You'd never hurt me, you're- you're my best friend, Katherine!"

"I will." Catgirl backed up even more.

Already, everything was becoming blurry-and it wasn't just because of her teary eyes. Robin's importance was blurring, everything they'd been through, how much he meant to her...

"Stay away!", she screamed at him, pulling her gun. Probably not the safest thing to do, but it worked. Robin froze.

"Put the gun down..", He tried to sound relaxed and calm but Catgirl could hear the shakiness in his voice. This was just as scary for him as it was for her. She could also hear the loud buzzing noise in his ear: Bruce. He must have been yelling at Robin to abort what ever mission they'd planned, because it clearly wasn't going to work.

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