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|Mount Justice
|December 30 2010, 16:08

"Sorry I took so long.." Robin apologised, tending to what could only be presumed as his own broken ribs.

"What happened?" Katherine asked, impatiently lying on one of the infirmary beds.

Her healing kicked in before she got to the infirmary, but that didn't stop Batman from ordering her to bedrest for the rest of the day to give her nipping scars a break from all the stress she'd put on them lately.

"After scolding you Batman gave The Team a mission-" He winced as the bandages he was wrapping around himself hit a specific spot on his chest. He took a deep breath before continuing, "We ran into Cheshire...which was when I recognised her as the woman Roy was talking to and I-"

"Got distracted." Katherine finished for him, her eyes widening.

She got distracted.

Katherine quickly jumped out of bed and ran out of the infirmary, ignoring Robin's calls for her to come back.

Once again her emotions had got to her and she got off track.

Roy was still out there- and if he was with Cheshire that confirmed his connection to The Light, through The League of Shadows, just like her.

"Where's Batman?" She asked as soon as she reached the living area of The Cave.

Artemis looked her up and down, "Uh...Gotham. Why are you wearing a hospital gown?"

"Shit!" Katherine cussed, "Fucking great!"

Just her luck she had to go out to Gotham.

"Language!" Miss Martian scolded her, "And you should be on bed rest until tomorrow, Batman said-"

"I don't care what Batman said, what matters is what I have to say to him." Katherine made her way around her concerned teammates.

"It can wait." Robin caught up to her, still carefully wrapping bandages around his heavily scarred torso.

"Not if I know who the mole is." Katherine announced, making everyone look at her questioningly.

"You what?!" Robin stopped following behind her, "Is that why you asked me to help you spy? Because you thought-"

Katherine diverted her eyes, "And I need to tell Batman before he gets away."

"Before who gets away?" Aqualad questioned, "If you know the mole you must tell us who it is."

Katherine looked between her teammates and shook her head, "I can't trust you won't help him." She regretfully added, "I know I would if things were different..."

"Go." Robin had already went to the zeta tube and put in coordinates, "Cheshire may have already warned him we know. I'll fill everyone in while you're there. Good luck."

Katherine gave him a grateful nod before giving a sympathetic look to Artemis and leaving in hopes of finding Batman before Roy found out they were now onto him.

When she caught up to him he'd better hope she wasn't alone.


"Catgirl B-0-0."

Catgirl ran out of the zeta tube, not paying any attention to her surroundings.

"Bruce I-"

Catgirl stopped running once she realised she was in a Gotham alleyway, not The Batcave.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now