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"Hey, Kath."

Katherine blinked several times to make sure it wasn't a dream. He'd somehow aged, but she knew it was him. He couldn't help but flash that infamous smirk of his, holding his arms out for one of those hugs she'd deeply longed for.


She ran to him expecting a hug, not to fall straight through him onto the floor.

Just as soon she got him she'd lost him all over again.

It hurt, but she got up and wiped her tears to look over at the golden throne at the end of the hall she was in, the one occupied by an Egyptian Mau:

Bastet, in one of her many feline forms.

"Bastet.", Katherine numbly greeted, knowing exactly what all of this meant, "I died."

The only way to see her mother was if she died, but she never had any memory of meeting her; it was the one memory she never got back after death.

Still, a part of her recognised this place, and the fiercely judgemental eyes of that cat.

"How did I die this time?", she wondered, going blank if she tried to think back.

"You broke your pledge to me.", Bastet growled, her judgement more than justified, if that was true.

Katherine struggled to believe it though. She stupidly asked the goddess, "Are you sure?" Not that she necessarily would, but she didn't remember doing that.

"You don't remember because I have wiped it from your memory!", Bastet hissed. "I have wiped 6 months of your memory as punishment, and I have taken a life."

"A life?!", Katherine exclaimed. That wasn't good. She was starting to run low on lives. The more her foggy head thought about the punishment, the worse it was; everything she'd worked for, gone in a matter of seconds. Why would she do it if she knew this would happen? None of this made any sense. She struggled to find any sense in it, protesting, "I...I've already lost a life this year- and my memories, you can't take them back! I worked so hard to regain them- I must have done it for a reason! You have to let me keep them!"

"Why should I? What do you have to offer in return?", Bastet narrowed her cat eyes.

What did Katherine have to offer in return?

Not much at all.

"Mother, please.", She shamelessly got on her knees to beg instead, "I don't have anything. I came back and my entire world had been ripped apart again. I wanted to find out what happened to me- can't you at least tell me what happened to me this time? I know I don't deserve it, but please, I never wanted to hurt anyone innocent, I wanted to change!"

There was a long silence before the cat jumped down from the throne and shifted into a beautiful Egyptian women, wearing a long leopard-skin dress. "Very well.", She approached, "As a mother, I will show mercy and restore your memory. All of it, for a price, of course."

"Anything!", Katherine scrambled to her feet, "I'll give you anything for that!"

"Then we have a deal.", Bastet accepted. "When you died, you died as a hero, the opposite of what you were the last time we met.", she filled in the biggest gap; the cause of this death, but it created more gaps- questions Katherine desperately needed answered.

"I died...a hero."

She wasn't going to accuse her mother of lying out-loud, but she didn't believe her for a second. She couldn't. The last she remembered, she was in The Flea, dedicating that life to staying hidden from the heroes.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now