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|Gotham City
|December 31 2010, 10:44

After hours of waiting for the stubborn kid to tire out, Jason finally nodded off and fell asleep, giving Katherine the chance to slip away without him noticing.

"See you around, kid." Katherine whispered, brushing Jason's red hair out of his face to see him better.

She frowned at the sight of his bony frame, and made sure to cover it with one of his blankets so he'd not get cold.

He'd still probably be angry when he woke up and saw she was gone, but the first she'd do (after saving the world) would be repaying her debt to him.

This kid saved her life, so it was only fair she did the same for him.

"I'll come back for you." She promised, grabbing another blanket for herself before silently slipping out the cloak room they were in.

After closing the door and stepping into what used to be the main entrance of the derelict building, Katherine navigated her way through the syringe-littered hallways, until she found the backdoor that Jason had barricaded shut.

When she got outside she could tell the worst of the snow storm had passed, but Katherine was still running out of time so she didn't bother to waste any more by sticking to side streets and alleys.

If she used her speed, she could make it from here to The Batcave on foot in a couple hours.

Batman was usually at The Batcave around that time.


Keyword: usually.

Instead of finding The Dark Knight brooding over a case file by The Batcomputer, she found that she had the place all to herself.

Maybe he was at Wayne Enterprises?

It wasn't unusual for Bruce Wayne to be called in for a meeting to discuss what would happen after...

The new year.

Today was December 31st.

Katherine hadn't realised earlier, but it was the first anniversary of The Belle Reve Breakout, which she more commonly referred to as the day her mother murdered her in cold blood.

It was a year ago today.

The world really did seem like it was ending now- even if it was just her own.

"Miss Kyle, is that you?"

Katherine turned around to look at Alfred.

She was surprised to see he also didn't have his usual demeanour. Instead he looked...scared?

"Uh...yeah?" Katherine held the blanket around herself that much closer, "Probably a little pale from the cold, but it's me-"

"Thank goodness!" Alfred practically ran to her, a noticeable limp as he approached her.

"Are...are you ok?" She looked at the elderly butler unsure.

He was acting very strange..

"I'm fine, it's Master Dick I worry about." He explained, "Master Bruce is...not himself. I fear he may be under the control of The Light."


That's why she was in such a rush to get here.

She'd let her emotions distract herself from it yet again.

The Light were currently trying to take over the world.

"The Light brainwashed him?" Katherine took in a sharp breath, knowing that if they managed to get Batman they most likely had control over the rest of The Justice League too.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now