Q&A - Your questions about the book and it's characters answered!

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Throughout the book I've said if you have any questions I would save some for a Q&A that I'd publish at the end of the book- this is it!

I want to thank everyone who asked questions, and I hope that this clears a lot of them up.

If you have any more questions about this book I will answer them in the comments!

Q: Is Robin as tall as Katherine?

A: Nowhere near. In 2010 Katherine is 16/17 and Robin is only 13/14, so it's not unbelievable for her to be naturally taller than him. To be precise, in this book, Robin is only 5'1 while Katherine towers over him at 5'8. Their height difference is huge, and I show throughout the book that when Katherine is standing next to Robin she actually has to look down at him. Katherine is actually one of the tallest team members, and is even taller than some Justice League members. She ages a little diferently from most of her teammates, having reached maturity a lot younger than them. She will also age quicker than them.

Q: Are Wonder Woman and Catgirl on good terms?

A: Katherine's favourite Justice League member is and always has been Wonder Woman, as The Leaguer has only ever treated her fairly. I'd not say Katherine is on good terms with any Justice League members but the closest she is to any of them is Wonder Woman because of their history. She stepped in as a mother figure for Katherine when she needed it as a kid after first arriving at Mount Justice. So to answer the question, Katherine isn't necessarily on good terms with Wonder Woman but she has more respect and gratitude towards her than any other Justice League member.

Q: Who are some of the boys and girls Katherine was with, before she met Roy?

A: So far I've only directly mentioned Katherine being with Gotham North Highschool's football team, as Artemis stated that she made out with the entire team, but I use 'being with' loosely, as I also mention throughout the book that she doesn't do serious relationships. Katherine Kyle as a character is the type to be with people but not commit, especially in this book as she is 16/17, thus legal in her state, but not yet 18+ (When it comes to relationships that are sexual in nature it's very complicated in different places around the world, and I don't mention a lot of what happened with her 'relationships' because I believe fiction can influence reality, and anyone under the age of 18 where what Katherine does is ok could read this and be influenced by my character and go onto do things that aren't ok where they live) but in future books when she is over the age of 18 and the laws where most readers are allow her to legally be with whoever she chooses, I go deeper into it all, so look out for that in the future ;)

Q: Will we get to see how Selina Kyle and Bastet met and started dating?

A: Yes! I'm not sure when I'm going to add this but I will most likely make flashback chapters that show more of both Bastet and Selina as so far (at least in this book) you only ever see them as bad, which is what Katherine sees them as. I wanna show a different side to Bastet and Selina so by showing their relationship I have an opportunity to do this while keeping everything relevant to the book.

Q: The Justice League are so selfish! Catgirl sacrificed so much and Batman still blames her. Why?

A: Well this book is mainly written from Catgirl's POV. She sees herself as bad and understands the things she's done in the past are bad, but she doesn't think of herself as an antagonistic character. The Justice League in general have mixed feelings about her. They know she was bad but had no control over most of what happened so they gave her a second chance at being a hero and support her unless she does something that goes against their beliefs. Batman on the other hand isn't like that. He has a way to take down most if not everyone in The Justice League because he doesn't fully trust them, so when he has to interact with a character like Katherine you can expect him to be so much worse. Katherine and Bruce's relationship is very complicated though and I'm not sure I can explain it in one question- but I do go into it more in book 2!

So that's the Q&A which marks the last part of this book. After over two years of planning, writing and editing it is finally complete! Thank you so much for supporting me and enjoying this book, hope to see your comments and votes over on book 2. 

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