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A: I'm on a break from doing my school works. I'll update twice and it's all I can do for today.


- Jennie

I just got discharge from the hospital this early morning...

I woke up with everybody watching after me.
I woke up with someone holding my hand, someone sitting with cross arms and someone looking at me apologetically.

I woke up and felt so relieved that my body, at least, gave up for a meantime to take a rest even if it's on that way.

I woke up without a complain and now...
I am here in my room.

Jisoo eonnie, Chaey and Lisa must hage been cooking right now. I also can hear the voices of the boys from the living room, bantering about something.

And my eyes are also staring at the shadow from my door...someone standing right there for.more than two minutes already.

I watched the tiny shadow visible...
Until I was able to see who it is as he opened the door slightly and silently thinking that I am sleeping.

       I asked, coldly.

"Sorry, did I disturb you?"
        He asked.

"No. But what do you need?"
         I answered and asked after.

"I brought fruits and Jisoo told me to give your meal already."
         He answered, entering my room without even asking about it.

"I can go there to eat, why would you bring this here?"
         I, sarcastically, asked.

"It's better. Plus, you still look weak. Also, Jisoo said don't be stubborn because she's the one who commanded me to bring the meal."
        If it wasn't Jisoo eonnie, I would bring the meal back to the dinning to eat it there without him watching me.

"You should eat and take your medicine."
        Still being kind and gentle, he placed the bed table infront of me, gave me the napkin and let me eat on my own.

"How can you smile like that?"

I stared at him for seconds...
Until I gave up on myself and just shook my head in disbelief on how much he can smile after what happened.

I ate...
Of course, I did, despite of his presence making me feel vomiting, I still did.

"Help yourself."
         He guided with his hands as I reached for the glass of water...

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