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I'll post this to every of my books that are currently on going.

On our practical research course in school, we studied PLAGIARISM and guess what...I learned that there's a reader here who's actually "plagiarizing my work". Not one but two.

I'm not going to direct this to them cause I want to make things clear to EVERYONE.


• to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own
• to use (another's production) without crediting the source
• to commit literary theft
• to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source
(, 2017)

- is the "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. (Wikipedia, n.d.)

- the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person. (Merriam, n.d.)

There are 3 types of PLAGIARISM:

1. Copy and Paste
- submitting another author's work without giving CREDITS.
(Xavier University Library in the US (n.d.))

2. Mosaic
- copies text or passages and SUBSTITUTE the words with synonyms
- REUSES or REWRITES a MIX OF WORDS, phrases and paragraphs ei th the original text
(Bowdoin College in Maine, U.S. (n.d.))

*PARAPHRASE - changing of words into their synonyms, mixing of words to create a new sentence but the same meaning. (Alexia Lèan, 2018) -I did this explanation on my own, if I ever saw this coming up in your story, I'll smack you real hard.

3. Misattribution
- CITATIONS are MISSING or sources are cited incorrectly.
(Valdez, 2018)

Misattribution has 2 types, accidental and intentional. I don't need to discuss these two further more.

Those authors who created their own books haven't done COPY AND PASTE, but MOSAIC.

In Mosaic Plagiarism, it includes PARAPHRASING which I saw at the very first start of their stories. In paraphrasing, it includes copying of TITLE not only the CONTENT or the PLOT. And it pisses me off. My title are not copied from anyone, I haven't even taken an idea to some authors, I DID IT WITH MY OWN.

Even my STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP is being copied and paraphrased.

My DISCLAIMER as well.

My TITLE too.

And even my FORMAT.
Like, I started with a prologue, then under the prologue, there's a note which they did as well. And they even put STARTED AND ENDED, also the IDEA PUBLISHED ON, just these days, though they don't have it before when I still don't have it.

Copying ideas...
Are not good.

And see, I put STARTED AND ENDED because I already saw these authors copying my books, formats, quotes, and else before. I put the dates so that whenever there will be a dissonance between us, I can say that I'm the ORIGINAL.

Don't be sequacious, do your own ideas.
I know, some of you look at me as an inspiration, but even though you serves as my motivation as well, I won't tolerate your lies and indirect plagiarism act.


Plagiarism can be avoided by CITATIONS and CREDITS.

How to do CITATIONS?
I'll teach you how.

If you don't want or can't use the WATTPAD's way...
Here's formal ways according to academics. These are just two from several FORMAL ways, this is the easiest and usual format you'll encounter.

MLA Format:
          Author. Title of the book. Publisher(Where is the book from), year, page.

- I know, it's kind of long.

APA 6th Edition Format:
         (Author, Date)

-that's it. Easier.

For example:

In MLA...

"Is it life that is unfair?
Or the people that surrounds
our life?"
           - Diamond Faith. Grievously Prideful. Wattpad, 2018, page where it is from on the book(can't remember).

For APA:
"It is either you'll choose one...
Or lose all."
         - (Diamond Faith, 2018)

That's very easy.
I even did it at the beginning, while citing the meaning of types of plagiarism and so as the meaning of plagiarism.

Now, now that I have educated you about these things, I don't think it will be an ACCIDENT that you'll plagiarize. If you still did, I'll message you directly.

And also...
Ideas can't be cited.
But if you found my book as an inspiration for your own, put where your idea came from, which is from my book.

If your pride is high and you don't want to cite where you got the idea, then...CHANGE YOUR TITLE, IDEA, PLOT, QUOTES, LINES and else.

For the readers...
Thank you that you lend time on reading, exerting efforts in voting and even commenting, but if I ever found out that you're copying anything from me, I will never ever going to call you my reader but a PLAGIARIST.

My statement of ownership is made because I hate plagiarism, I haven't envisaged that I even need to do this kind of huge note.

I'm done ranting, sorry for this...
I just hate it because my works, are my works.
It all came from my mind, my own creativity.
Avoid being sequacious and create your own ideas, titles, plots, words, quotes and lines.


- lacking of originality

I found some of you as my friend already, especially those who chatted me for like every week. But our friendship will be ruined and disregarded, literally, will get destroyed, if you ever have done these things to me.

Writing stories had been my passion since I was a kid, I am fond of reading and so as writing, therefore, my passion is very valuable for me. And I will not cherish our friendship if you tried ruining it by plagiarizing anything from me.

I will disregard that you found me as an inspiration, idol or motivation. I will neglect our friendship, I will forget about everything that we had, our conversations, our author and reader relationship. All I will remember is your name and the thing you did to me.

Plagiarism is a kind of lie that I can't tolerate for long, or for a reason. It's cheating and something that is done by those who can't create on their own. Plagiarism, is cheating, and remember...there are no acceptable explanation for cheating.

You can forget me for being your favorite author if you ever plagiarized my work, thanks for lending time with me, but I am not thankful of whay you did to me. You, being a reader has a disadvantage and that is, you plagiarized.

This AUTHOR'S NOTE is made to avoid issues.
And this note will be left to every book for everyone to see.
I am warning you for the last time, you have 12 days to fix those things you copied from me, if not done, I will deal with you directly.

Respectfully yours,


If this note is plagiarized too, I don't know what kind of creature that person is.

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