reunion || jensoo

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Years after school Jennie returns for her reunion and finds a new friend.


I felt my nerves creak in harmony with the door, bit I pushed through both of them none the less feeling just the same as I had when I was sixteen.

It's scary how one place could hold so much power a place could hold over someone, it was scary really how it could strike fear into the bones of an adult. It made me feel pathetic, that was a feeling I was used to unfortunately now it was not just these walls that I now felt it within.

My mind flashed to my husband and I was almost glad that he couldn't make it this evening, even if it meant I had to do this alone. At least it meant I was free for one evening, even,if it was only that; one evening.

The school hadn't changed much, it had a new coat of paint, some new windows, a nice new scoreboard on the wall,of the gymnasium, but it was the same nonetheless. It was still a school, this was still the gym and come Monday morning, it would still be full of sweaty reluctant teenagers, wishing they weren't there. I couldn't help but wonder if that's what we were like as people. That's what I felt like, I had grown, my face was older, my hair darker, my eyes not as bright and I had a shiny ring on my finger, but I was still filled with all the fears from the very first time I walked on these floorboards and fell flat on my back.

I couldn't help but wonder if everyone else was the same, I glanced around the hall. Some faces looking familiar, some even friendly. A lot of them were far more wrinkly than I expected them to be, some of them had barely aged at all. I made my way over to the bowl of fruit punch wondering why I hadn't just spent the night at the movies and told my husband that I had come to this stupid reunion. I was never one to have a group of friends in school, did I think that would somehow change after all these years of seeing most these people less and less.

I sighed taking a gulp of my beverage, contemplating how to make my inevitable escape. My eyes automatically scanned the crowd, recognising the demons of my past. My eyes caught on to one face in particular. A beautiful face,sallow skinned, with a perfectly sculpted jawline, cheekbones you could only dream of, lips still like bright cherry roses and her eyes. Her eyes were like nothing I'd ever seen before and because of that they were impossible to describe. The pulled you in and pushed you away all at the once, made you feel like the most important person you could ever be and so so insignificant simultaneously.

She hadn't changed a bit, she was still gorgeous, she was still turning heads everyone was still parting like the red sea as she walked through the crowd towards me.

Oh god, no. Towards me? I felt a lump hitch in my throat and I made sure to avert my gaze from her. My heart was racing and all my instincts were telling me to run in the opposite direction, but something kept me routed firmly to the spot I was stood in. My mind just couldn't decide yet whether it was fear or idiocy.

"Jennie?" I felt a soft touch on my bare arm and my skin burned at the touch. I turned to face her and I found reality mixing with memories and fears. This didn't seem real. Her voice was a lot softer than I remembered, lower, warmer, kinder. She was smiling too and not her old grimace, or the coy sneer that had usually danced on her lips when she was in my presence.

I felt my jaw go slack and didn't realise that I hadn't replied to her until she awkwardly took her hand away from me, her smile faltering slightly her eyes flashing something I had never seen on the younger version of this woman, something that I doubted many people who expect to see on her at all; shame.

"Sorry... I just, I wondered..." She stuttered through her sentence and I was positive there was no way this could be real.

"Hi." I said lamely. I had to stop her, it was painful to see her struggle through a simple greeting and despite all the memories of the torturous years she had helped make sure I had spent in these walls, I somehow felt sorry for her.

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