the starcrossed lovers from district 12 || jensoo

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Jennie said it was just for the cameras. Lisa believed her until she discovered she screams for Jisoo in the night. In the days before the Quarter Quell, Lisa finds out there's more to Jennie's relationship with Jisoo than Jennie has led her to believe.


Jennie's mother was backing out of the living room as Lisa stepped through the front door of the Kim home.

"Hey, Mrs. Kim. Is Jennie ready?"

Ms. Kim brought her fingers to her lips and pulled the double doors closed before waving her down the hall toward the kitchen.

"Tea?" she whispered.

Lisa shook her head as he followed her down the corridor. "No thanks, Mrs. Kim.," she replied. She really wasn't interested in tea with Mrs. Kim on her one day off from the mines. It was bad enough that Katniss was making her spend the little bit of time they had left together before the Quarter Quell with Jisoo and her mentor, training for the Games. If she didn't want her to come home so damn much, she would have refused. But, Jennie needed someone to watch her back in the arena, and Kim Jisoo would need some extra survival skills if she was to be her partner in there.

When she entered the kitchen, Mrs. Kim was putting the kettle on to boil and Chaeyoung was at the table. "Is Jennie ready?" Lisa repeated. "She wanted me to show Jisoo my peg snare this morning."

Jennie's mother reached for a mug from the cupboard and gave Lisa a weary look.

"Jennie is asleep, Lisa. She was up most of the night. Jisoo just got her settled down a couple of hours ago."

Lisa's insides recoiled at the mention of Jisoo. She hoped it didn't show on her face. "Up all night?"

"I think last night was the worst I've ever seen it," Chaeyoung commented up as she picked at a raspberry muffin that looked suspiciously like something Jisoo would make. Jennie probably picked her the berries.

Mrs. Kim. sighed as she poured the tea. "I just wish she'd take the sleep syrup when this happens."

Her sister bit into the muffin and then closed her eyes in happiness. She swallowed. "So good. Well, I can't say that I blame her. She says the syrup just traps her in the nightmares. I can't imagine not being able to wake up from anything that terrified me that much."

Fierce, determined Jennie? Terrified of nightmares? Lisa had difficulty putting the two images together.

Mrs. Kim. looked at Lisa thoughtfully. "You didn't know."

Lisa frowned. "She never mentioned it."

"She's had nightmares every night since she came home from the Games," revealed Chaeyoung calmly as she nonchalantly swiped her thumb across the plate to pick up the crumbs. This was clearly a way of life in the Kim house.

"Chaeyoung and I can usually settle her down in a few minutes, but last night was especially bad," Mrs. Kim said. "She was having night terrors and screaming for Jisoo. I couldn't bring her out of it, so Chaeyoung went to get Jisoo." She crossed to the fridge. "I'm going to make some eggs for Chaeyoung and I, Lisa. Do you want some?"

Lisa couldn't remember the last time she'd had eggs. Her mouth watered at the thought. "Sure, Mrs. Kim. Thank you."

She pointed to the little bathroom in the hallway between the kitchen and the living room. "The washroom is just through there, Lisa, if you want to wash up. Quietly, please. They're still asleep."

Lisa's hand was on the knob of the bathroom door when Jennie's mother's words finally sunk in. They were still asleep. They. Which meant that Jisoo had stayed over. With Jennie. She peered over her shoulder until she could see through the doors into the living room. She'd never thought to look in that room when she arrived. Sure enough, there was Jennie, her Jennie, sprawled across Jisoo's chest, the fat rock she'd put on her finger glinting in the morning light. Jisoo had one arm wrapped around her and the other in her hair at the crown of her head, as though she'd been stroking or massaging her head when they fell asleep. Jisoo's lips were pressed to her forehead.

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