contagious || jenlisa

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Lisa comes home to find a sick Jennie huddling on the couch with a ton of blankets, cuteness ensues and it's all round just an adorable time :)


"Babe?" Lisa calls gently as she shuts the door to their apartment, a little surprised to see Jennie's shoes and jacket in their rightful places this early in the night.

A groan sounds from the couch, Jennie's hair sticking up a bit from underneath a pile of blankets and pillows. There's a stack of medicine bottles and pills on the coffee table, a few open and others stacked neatly waiting for their turn.

"Tough day?" Lisa asks gently, kicking off her boots and shuffling over to her wife.

"Don't feel good, YG sent me home." Jennie grumbles from her blanket fortress.

Lisa just chuckles, tugging the blankets off Jennie's face carefully until she is pouting up at her with unfocused eyes.

"Wanna tell me what's up?" Lisa urges, motioning for Jennie to sit up a little so she can squeeze onto the couch and let her fingers run through her wife's hair when she lies back down in her lap.

"Nothing. YG isn't even a doctor, I told him I was fine." Jennie says irritably, even as she shuffles around until she can bury her face against Lisa's stomach with a groan.

"Oh yeah, you sound perfectly fine." Lisa offers jokingly, leaning down to kiss Jennie's cheek.

She feels kind of warm, Jennie's body tensing a little every time Lisa shifts slightly beneath her.

"Level with me Jen, what is it?" Lisa asks, knowing Jennie will open up to her.

She barely controls a smile at the sigh and protests Jennie mumbles out to herself before she rolls onto her back a little to look up at Lisa.

"I think it's just a cold." Jennie mutters, pulling the blankets up to her chin as if to prove her theory.

Lisa just smiles down at the sight, completely taken with the adorable blush that takes over Jennie's cheeks as she watches Lisa watching her. She can't really believe she gets to be here, gets to hold this girl close to try make her feel a little better. It's kind of surreal and hard for Lisa to think about, especially with the way her heart skips a beat every few seconds when Jennie glances up at her.

"What?" Jennie whispers at Lisa's gazing.

"Nothing." Lisa offers quietly. "I just really love you."

Jennie smiles shyly, burrowing into Lisa's stomach a little in an attempt to hide. "I'm a mess." She says bashfully, her voice muffled a little by Lisa's shirt.

"Maybe, but you're my mess. And you're beautiful." Lisa murmurs confidently, brushing Jennie's hair back a little as she looks back up at her.

And Lisa loses herself a little at the way Jennie smiles softly at the remark, her eyes lighting up just a little more with the gesture.

"I love you too Lis." She whispers, reaching out from under her blankets to grab her hand and pull it into her chest to cuddle.

"I know Jen." Lisa assures quietly. "Not sure why you do, but I know."

Jennie frowns a little at that. "Not that I need a reason." She says staunchly, the tone with her red cheeks making Lisa bite back a full on smile as Jennie continues.

"There's too many reasons why, and I keep finding more every day I'm with you." She reasons. "But if you need me to say them, I will." Jennie offers sincerely. "I'll call you in the middle of the day when I think about how you kissed me goodbye in the morning, I'll wake you up in the middle of the night when I dream about you holding my hand... I'll say them all."

And Lisa can feel tears threatening to fall as she thinks over that, Jennie's words sounding in her head until she comes to the conclusion that just this is enough. Just having Jennie say that she loves her and wants to prove it any chance she gets is enough.

"When you say you love me, you say it all." Lisa whispers, Jennie's smile stealing her heart all over again as she pulls her down into a kiss.

It doesn't last long with them both smiling, Lisa eventually pulling back with a chuckle at the whine Jennie lets out at the action. But when Jennie's eyes go a little wide, her teeth worrying her bottom lip between them, Lisa tilts her head in question.

"What?" she questions.

Jennie laughs a little, reaching over onto the coffee table and handing Lisa a card of pills.

"Contagious." She smiles out, laughing at the mock betrayal Lisa can feel spreading over her face.

But her laughing quickly turns to playful protest when Lisa tickles at her sides to exact a little revenge for definitely getting her sick.

"Well now we don't have much choice in taking tomorrow off do we?" Lisa chuckles out, leaning back into the couch as Jennie catches her breath a little after laughing.

"I don't have a problem with that." Jennie smiles breathlessly, seemingly happy to let Lisa continue running her fingers through her hair as her eyes fill tiredly.

"Me either." Lisa admits quietly, content to let her eyes wander over Jennie's face as she tries to fight off sleep for a little while longer.

But they both end up sleeping right there on the couch, knowing they probably won't feel that great in the morning, but not caring so long as they're here together.

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