my guardian angel || chaesoo

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Kim Jisoo is on the verge of death, dealing with the scrutinizing voices in her head, until her guardian angel, Park Chaeyoung, lifts all of the weight from her shoulders.


So much blood...

I tried to close my eyes; I tried to will away the pain that seemed to have enclosed me in a lake of thick, crimson coloured blood. It pooled around me, I could feel it drying on my clothes and skin. My hair was caked in mud, dirt and most of, blood-it felt thick and heavy and I groaned at the thought of washing it all out. My legs throbbed, my arms throbbed, my head throbbed. Everything throbbed with pain. It was like my body had under-gone a transformation, and I'd become a lifeless plant. I tried closing my eyes, but there would be darkness waiting for me there too.

I was scared. So very scared.

My car was starting to fill with the stench of oil, it mixed with the fine smell of pine trees around me and I cringed. There was nobody in these woods, because everyone hated the smell of the trees. It irritated their noses and got under their skin, I was the only one who found it remotely soothing and pleasant. Why did I have to crash? Why couldn't have I just missed the tree?

God hates me, I swear.

I clenched my fists and tried to forget. Forget everything that had happened to me tonight, but it all kept coming back-my parents kicking me out, my abusive boyfriend, my friend snubbing me because I was no longer rolling in cash, and the voices.

They had come in the middle of my English class. All in the same creepy, sinister voice you usually hear in horror movies or imagine while you're reading a scary, horror-filled book.

They'd told me things I never really wanted to know about myself. Like how I never looked after myself, everyone else was more important that me. They told me how weak I was for letting my boyfriend throw me around, and they said they despised the way I seemed to care what everyone else thought of me. They knew nobody loved me, and that I'd probably die alone and soulless.

They knew everyone hated me.

We're still here, you know.

I shuddered; it was the sound of numerous voices echoing in my head. I hated them. I hated the world. I wanted to die, and I didn't care if I was going to die now. Nobody would miss me, nobody would care. I'd rot in this god forsaken forest and when people found my skeleton the only way they'd be able to identify me was how many fillings I'd had. My life sucked, and everyone in my life, sucked.

Everything sucked.

It's all God's doing. The voices sneered at me, he wants you to die because you're worthless and nobody loves you. Not even Him.

I growled, if there was one person watching me right now, it was God. At that moment, I had to remember all the good times I'd had with my parents, all those times I'd laughed with my boyfriend and gone to parties with my friends. I remembered how I was a perfect A student and my teachers thought I could get into any university if I wanted to. I knew that I wasn't worthless, that I had feelings and emotions just like anyone else. For once, those voices were completely and utterly wrong.

But look where life has left you! They sang gleefully. You're lying in a pool of your own blood, waiting for Death to swoop down and claim you. You're pathetic, even if you are human.

And just like that, I knew they were right. Even if all those things hadn't happened to me, I'd still be waiting for Death to come. I wanted to know who these voices were, who were they to judge me and tell me what I wanted. They seemed to know everything about me, everything I'd ever felt. And I was scared. The pain was growing, and I knew I wouldn't be able to take much more of it.

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