did you mean it? || jenlisa

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How Jennie and Lisa got engaged.


"We should get married," Lisa said nonchalantly as she stared out the window, watching as the sun began to rise above the city her and Jennie had moved to a few short months ago.

Jennie chocked on her coffee, "What?" she looked at Lisa wide-eyed.

Lisa, seemingly being pulled from a deep thought, turned to face Jennie, "What?" she asked.

"Did you hear what you just said?"

"No?" Lisa was confused, "What did I say?"

"That we should get married," Jennie answered, still shocked herself.

"What?" Lisa asked, alarmed that she'd accidentally blurted that out.

Since moving to Seoul with Jennie five months prior, they'd gotten into the routine of making breakfast together on Saturday mornings. Sometimes it'd end up being a late breakfast because neither of them wanted to get out of bed, and other times it would wind up being an early breakfast because they had somewhere to be. The point is, every Saturday, they would make breakfast together then sit at the little table in the kitchen and eat their meal together. It was something domestic that had just happened since their move.

As more time passed, Lisa found her mind drifting to other domestic things her and Jennie could do: read the paper, pay their taxes, and so many other wonderfully domestic things. But, in the past month, Lisa's mind had been slipping into thoughts of them getting married. Of what it would be like to have Jennie as her wife, and to be Jennie's wife. What it would sound and feel like to call Jennie her wife and have someone call her their wife. And every time she did this, she fell more in love with it.

"Did you mean it?" Jennie asked, coming down from the initial shock and processing the meaning of the words.

"Mean what?" Lisa asked, still confused that she blurted that out.

"That we should get married," there was a hint of insecurity in Jennie's voice. Jennie and Lisa had been together long enough for Lisa to pick up on it, so she was quick to provide reassurance.

"Yes? Obviously, I didn't mean to just blurt it out, but yeah, of course I meant it," Lisa smiled, hoping it would provide Jennie with some reassurance.

The insecurity left Jennie and was replaced by an unadulterated excitement that Jennie was trying mask as she continued speaking. "So, does that mean you're asking me to marry you?"

"I don't want to pressure you or anything-" Lisa started to ramble, which was unusual, she never rambled.

"Lis," Jennie got up to kneel on both her knees beside Lisa's chair, "slow down. Don't worry about pressuring me - we've been together for five and a half years," she took Lisa's hands in her own, "I love you, you love me. So, were you asking me to marry you?"

"Yes," Lisa smiled at Jennie.

"Well then," Jennie brought Lisa's hands to her lips and placed a gentle kiss on each one, "I would love to marry you," Jennie beamed up at Lisa.

Jennie stood, and with their still joined hands, she pulled Lisa up too. She wrapped her arms around her waist and leaned their foreheads together.

"We're getting married," Jennie smiled, and due to their close proximity, Lisa could feel the smile.

"We are," Lisa smiled back and moved her head up to kiss Jennie softly and gently, trying to commit every detail about that moment to memory.


Unfortunately, all good things must come to end an, which is exactly what happened to Jennie and Lisa's little bubble they'd created over the weekend. They didn't want to tell anyone they'd gotten engaged yet, wanting to just enjoy the moment themselves for a while.

Monday morning was quickly upon them, and both Jennie and Lisa were back to work. Jennie had left the house earlier than usual because of a photo shoot, and Lisa was in YG's office at her usual time to plan for her upcoming solo project.

Initially, Lisa had been reluctant to be the next member of Blackpink to come out with a solo project. She knew there would be difficulty with her confidence in singing, and Lisa wasn't sure if she was up for it, but after a long talk with Jennie, Chaeyoung and Jisoo, Lisa had come to the conclusion that, though it would be hard, she could do it.

The first part of the morning passed by at a snail's pass, but eventually, lunch arrived. Normally, Lisa and Jennie would get lunch together, but their schedules didn't line up that day, and likely wouldn't for the rest of the week. It was fashion week in Seoul, and with more reporters than usual covering fashion, it meant less time spent with Jennie.

So, Lisa decided that she'd have lunch with Seulgi.

Seulgi had made the move to Seoul a little over a year before Lisa and Jennie had. In that time, she'd managed to build up quite a respectable name for herself in the dance world. Seulgi had joined a mid-level dance academy, but with hard work, she was able to become one of the nation's best choreographers.

After a quick conversation with Seulgi to see if she was free for lunch, Lisa made her way to the elevator. She walked through the lobby and out the main doors, towards the little café Seulgi had gotten her into when she moved to Seoul.

Lisa and Jennie still hadn't told anyone they were engaged yet, but they'd agreed that they'd start telling people Monday after their quiet weekend. So, Lisa was very excited to see Seulgi so she could tell her the news.

"Hey," Seulgi smiled as she stood and give Lisa a hug once she'd approached the table, "how are you?"


"Okay? You seem different, what's different?" Lisa smiled. "What? I'm not well versed in the meaning of your smiles. What's making you smile like that?"

"Jennie and I got engaged."

"Really," Lisa nodded and continued smiling, "that's fantastic," Seulgi pulled her friend in for another hug, "when did this happen?" she asked as they both took a seat.

"Saturday morning."

Seulgi smiled and nodded. "Oh my gosh!" she said in alarm.

"What?" Lisa asked, confused by Seulgi's ' sudden change in tone.

"You seriously don't remember?"

"Remember what?"

"What you said on our first day of senior year."

It took a minute, but recognition eventually dawned on Lisa, "Oh."

"Yeah," Seulgi was wide-eyed and grinning, "you said that you'd marry Jennie Kim, and now you're going to marry her," she explained, "that's unbelievable."

"Yeah," Lisa agreed, "I suppose it is."

"You suppose?! Lisa, it is unbelievable. It's an unbelievable love that you two have."

Lisa smiled in agreement as she thought back on everything that had led her to that point. Everything that had happened to ignite her relationship with Jennie was unbelievable, and she wouldn't change anything about it. It was their love story, and it was an unbelievable love story too.

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