the pillow fort || jensoo

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The five meaningless moments where Jisoo realized that she loved Jennie (and the one time she didn't have to realize it).


Jisoo was not one for making a mess. She loved things straight and orderly, and she lived by the motto 'everything has its proper place.' All the books were lined up in alphabetical order on her bookshelf. All her clothes were neatly folded up and gingerly placed in drawers or hung in the closet. All the spices and herbs were arranged by their level of spiciness (Jisoo had Chaeyoung help for this one). All in all, everything was exactly where it was supposed to be, and that wouldn't change. (Until it did.)

Honestly, Jisoo hadn't been sure what to expect when she had asked Jennie if she wanted to live with her on a complete whim. It had been in the middle of one of their university chemistry class sessions. All she remembered was that Jennie, who had been her lab partner at the time, had been complaining about how she hated the dorm rooms, and Jisoo had opened her mouth without thinking. The next thing she knew, she was helping Jennie bring her clothes up to her apartment.

The thing was that Jisoo liked cleanliness, but based on Jennie's performance in their chemistry classes, Jennie was not the cleanly-type.

Yet as much as she hated to admit it, Jisoo would be lying if she had said that Jennie was a slob. Quite the contrary, in fact. When Jennie first moved in with Jisoo, the younger girl had surprisingly paid close attention to Jisoo's explanation of how she wanted to keep the place tidy, and for the most part, had actually went out of her way to keep it that way. Yes, Jennie was far more relaxed than Jisoo and was a tad more untidy in her own room, but in the general living space and in the kitchen, Jennie made sure to clean up for herself perfectly.

Jisoo had gotten so used to the cleanliness of her apartment, that when she came home late one rainy Friday night from band practice, she had literally no idea what to think of the big pillow fort that awaited her in her living room.

Had it been anyone else, Jennie would've probably yelled out of anger and confusion. Like, seriously? The fu- a pillow fort? What are we, four?

But this was Jennie. Sweet, clumsy, Jennie who always tried her best to hold up her end of the bargain and maintain their clean apartment. Jisoo couldn't just yell something like that at Jennie.

So instead, Jisoo had frowned and cocked her head in confusion.

"Jennie?" She had called attentively.

A second later, a small head poked out from within the pillow fort, grinning.

"Yes, Jisoo?"

"You made a pillow fort?" Jisoo carefully stepped closer to the structure.

"Yup!" Jennie giggled, "There was thunder and lightning earlier. I thought I could escape it if I hid under a pillow fort!"

Jisoo blinked.

"I-I guess that's reasonable..."

Man, Jisoo thought to herself, I'm really getting soft...

"Mmhm," Jennie hummed happily, slightly pushing the fort's blanket entrance out of the way. "It's really nice and cozy since I took my bed comforter and brought it in here. I'm planning on staying the night and cleaning it up in the morning. Wanna join me?"

Jisoo's first reaction was to say 'no,' but something about the way Jennie's chocolate eyes glowed forced her to say otherwise.

So she shrugged, "Sure, I guess so," and that was that.

The next morning, Jisoo woke up, blinking as sunlight seeped through the cracks of the pillow fort and hit her eyes. She attempted to get up only to find out that Jennie was still fast asleep, resting peacefully on her left arm.

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