she's not afraid || chaelisa

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"How could a girl who laughs at horror movies be so afraid of something like falling in love?"

A/N: I think I do too much Chaelisa, but honestly who doesn't love Chaelisa?


By now this was a regular thing for Chaeyoung to do on a Friday night. Lisa calls her up and tells her about some party that they just have to go to, even though Lisa is always grounded. And Chaeyoung will drive to her house anyway and watch as Lisa steps out of her bedroom window onto the roof and shimmies down the drain pipe. Chaeyoung has no idea how she manages to do that in heels, but the thought escapes her when she sees Lisa's tight black dress that's cut way too low and Chaeyoung can't help but stare.

Lisa hops into the passenger seat of Camila's old blue pick-up truck and says, "Hi, Chaeng," with that same stupid smile that always lets her know that Lisa is ready to let go. And Chaeyoung swears she's a goner, just like every Friday night.

As soon as they enter the party every eye in the room is on them, but Chaeyoung knows that they aren't looking at her. Their eyes are only reserved for Lisa, as always. She just has that effect on people. Chaeyoung doesn't blame them.

Lisa makes a beeline for the kitchen to grab drinks and Chaeyoung just sighs because this means that Lisa's party routine has begun. She returns with two cups and hands one to Chaeyoung, even though she knows Chaeyoung can't drink because she's always the designated driver. Chaeyoung thanks her anyway and Lisa smiles at her as she surveys the room around them, no doubt looking for someone to occupy her time tonight.

"Hey Rosie, I'll find you later on. I think I'm going to go ask Jungkook if he wants to dance."

"Sure, Lisa," is all Chaeyoung manages to get out because Lisa is already walking across the room to where the boy stands with all his friends.

Chaeyoung is used to this. Lisa will spend her time with whoever she deems worthy that night, and Chaeyoung hates it. But, maybe what she hates even more than that is the fact that every time, no matter how much fun Lisa has had with the person she chooses, she will ask Chaeyoung to take her home.

Chaeyoung spends her time at the party talking with her friend Jisoo. And just when she's about to crack another joke that will no doubt have Jisoo laughing at her just because it's not funny, she feels a tap on her shoulder. Chaeyoung turns and sees Lisa standing there, looking a lot more drunk than she was an hour earlier.

"I'm ready to go home now," she says with a slur.

"Ok, let me just say goodbye to Jisoo first."

Chaeyoung turns and sees Jisoo studying them curiously. Before Chaeyoung can ask her what she's staring at Jisoo speaks up, "I'll see you tomorrow Chaeng. Be careful tonight."

Chaeyoung furrows her eyebrows at that. What does that even mean? Why would Jisoo tell her to be careful? Chaeyoung can't think about it for long because Lisa drags her impatiently through the party and down the street to her car.

Once they get in, Chaeyoung starts the engine and drives in the direction of Lisa's house. Lisa reaches out to turn on the radio and starts to hum softly as Chaeyoung thinks about what she's dying to ask her. It's something that's been on her mind for a while now, but she's always been too scared to ask because she doesn't know what Lisa will say. Maybe it's because Jisoo told her to be careful that now she feels like doing the exact opposite, but she ends up asking her.

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