distraction || jenlisa ⚠️🔞⚠️

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au where Lisa's a dancer at a strip club and a lonely Jennie happens to come by one night

then they make out


All things considered, this was a much better job than some of the things Lisa had worked. The pay was decent, her hours were flexible, and the booze was free when she was off-duty.

The problem was the customers. The men who came to the bar all disgusted Lisa. Nobody tipped well enough. They would try to rip the thin pink material off of her suit. They would find her after her shift, offering money or drugs for a chance to see more than what they saw on stage. Goddamn pigs. Her boss had warned her, had warned all the girls about this. But aside from kicking out the most aggressive customers, there was nothing she could do.

So here Lisa was, thrusting her hips on stage, glaring at the men below her. They weren't even worthy of her anger - hell, some of them were probably getting turned on by it. She was just glad she got one of the higher platforms tonight. Anything that put more of a distance between her and them was a positive. She shot a glance back at the floating digits above the bar - only 15 minutes until her break. At least then she could drink.

20 minutes later, Lisa was standing at the bar, a hastily pulled on pair of loose pants and a tanktop covering her costume. She didn't care about modesty, she just wanted to make sure as few people as possible recognized her as a dancer.Then she saw her. Sitting by herself at one of the corner tables, reading something on her phone. Well. It was rare enough that women came into the bar as customers, much less ones who weren't with boyfriends who had obviously dragged them there. Fuck, if Lisa had a dime for every time she'd heard "Come on baaaabe it'll be fun" come out of some fuckwad's mouth, she could probably afford to leave his place.

For the last few minutes of Lisa's break, she watched the woman. She was gorgeous as shit - long dark hair, face like a model. A drink sat on her table, barely touched. Lisa didn't know what it was, but it was glowing. Something much more exotic and expensive than the beer Lisa was holding. Which meant she was also probably rich. There was no reason that a woman who looked like that, with money like that, should be here. Hell, even if she liked strip clubs, there were much better ones than this.

The bartender tapped Lisa on the shoulder, reminding her that her break was over in a minute. Hurrying backstage, she pulled off her civilian clothes, and headed up the stairs to her platform. She realized she could see the woman's table from her platform. Good. Gave her something decent to look at for the rest of her shift, not the glazed over eyes and drooling mouths of the rest of the intoxicated patrons. It was strange, though. The woman barely looked up from her phone. But Lisa noticed when she did. Noticed when the woman's eyes drifted up to Lisa's platform. At one point, when she was sure the woman could she her, she winked. Lisa didn't know if she noticed though, as the response from the other customers, a sudden loud hooting, distracted her. Figures they'd think it was aimed at them.

At around 2 in the morning, her shift was finally over. But before leaving her platform, she looked over to see if the woman was still there. A second glass, as glowing as the first, had joined her, but aside from that nothing had changed. She grinned. Normally, the idea of talking to a customer after her shift repulsed her but this...this was interesting. She headed backstage, where she removed her costume, stuffing it into a locker, and put the pants and tanktop back on. Lacing up her boots, she decided that rather than buying her a drink or some bullshit like that, Lisa was going to take the direct root.

Moments later, Lisa was standing at the woman's table, resting one hand on it. "Hey. I'm Lisa." The woman glanced up at her. A look of something - fear? embarrassment? - flashed over her eyes before she simply nodded and went back to her phone. Lisa stood there awkwardly for a moment. She glanced towards the bar. A scuzzy looking human raised his glass at her, winking. She shuddered, and looked back at the table. Then, shrugging her shoulders, she slid into the woman's booth.

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