fresh start || jenchuchaeng ?

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For God's sake, Jisoo, quit finding excuses to not take the weekend off," Jin said to Jisoo as they were closing down the bar on Thursday night, "We've got it; we have it covered; the world will continue to spin on its axis if you take a weekend off," laughing at his boss, and, friend.

"Yeah, I know it will, smartass, but..." Jisoo responded to Jin as she began the cash count for the night.

"But, my ass," Jin retorted, "There's no reason not to enjoy the fruit of your labors."

"Well...if you're sure..." Jisoo finally said, knowing that Jin was absolutely right. She's worked her ass off for the past fifteen years, building her business, securing a really good income for herself, and her employees, and in all that time, she's taken exactly eighteen days off. So, yeah, she'll take the weekend off and spend it with her girls...

Her girls. Chaeyoung and Jennie. Oh yes, Jennie, she was definitely Jisoo's girl, now, but not in a clingy way. No, nothing like that at all. Jennie was so much like Jisoo in most ways that they could have been twins.

Jisoo thought about all of that as she made the night deposit a few blocks away, at her bank. Waving to Jin the 'O.K.' signal (never just one person makes the night drop), she found her way to the interstate and settled in for the twenty minute drive to her home. Jisoo thought back to the morning after she had sucessfully seduced Jennie...

"Coffee?" Jisoo asked as she walked from her bathroom, glowing and fresh from her shower, directing the question to Jennie, still in bed, naked and with her face showing the remnants of Jisoo's pussy juices around her mouth.

"Coffee, yeah, that'd be great," Jennie said, still somewhat groggy from just waking up, "But, I seriously need to shower before I do anything; I smell like pussy," laughing a bit when she said it.

"Can't imagine why," Jisoo teased, "I mean, it's not like you've been eating pussy or anything like that."

"Yeah, I know," Jennie teased back, "I mean, I did tell you that I've never fucked a woman, didn't I?"

"Yep, that's what you said, but this morning, you can't say that anymore, now can you?" replied Jisoo , pausing at the door, her eyes on Jennie's gorgeous nakedness as Jennie finally got out of bed.

"No, I can't," Jennie said, somewhat seriously, "and for what its worth, I'm glad that it happened."

"Me too, Jendeuk, me too; now, towels, robe and new toothbrush and whatever else you might need are all laid out. Get a move on and I'll start the coffee," Jisoo smilingly replied.

Jennie joined Jisoo in the kitchen a very short time later, her skin pinkish from the hot shower, her hair glistening from being freshly washed.

Over coffee that morning, they rehashed yesterday, last night, and Jisoo admitted that she had planned on seducing Jennie that evening, that she had been thinking about it almost from the day they met.

"Well, I'm certainly glad you did; that's the most fun I've had without clothes in...well, ever," Jennie replied, she and Jisoo laughing together at her remark.

Two cups of coffee later, they were back in Jisoo's bed, locked into a passionate sixty-nine embrace, not leaving the fun and games until the sun had set that evening.

And since that weekend? Their friendship remained as strong as ever, only now, it had a FWB 'status'. Because of their individual work schedules and such, they got together for pure sexual release once or twice a week, sometimes less. Neither were looking for 'love', neither were wanting a long-term-relationship; no, what they had was just perfect for the both of them...

Turning into her driveway, Jisoo noticed that her deck's ropelights were on, casting a soft glow across the driveway near the garage.

"Don't shoot, Chu, it's just me," Jisoo heard Jennie's voice say from the hot tub area of her deck.

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