tonight || chaelisa ⚠️🔞⚠️

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And tonight she wants to show Lisa how much she can take, how much she wants to take. How the power of their love is not a thing to be feared or handled like quite such a delicate thing.

Tonight, she decides.


Lisa's hands are always gentle.

Everything between them and everything about their relationship is gentle. Gentle kisses, gentle touches. They make love, gently. Even in the headiest seas of lust and the most urgent swells of passion Lisa is never rough, never more than the most tender of lovers.

Chaeyoung loves that Lisa is gentle because it is also new and she doesn't want to rush this experience. It's wonderful. Enchanting. To explore such a different type of partnership, to peel back intriguing layers of love and run her fingers over each new and exciting contour. It's discovery, new firsts dawning. And that special sort of awed hesitance that comes from simply knowing that these firsts could also be the last firsts they'll have.

And it's a step and a mile apart from her other partners, boyfriends tall and muscled and confident in their strength. They were kind and they loved her in their way and she loved them in a way. But this time all is in stark relief and all is so very different, down to the grip of slim fingers on her skin and the smooth caress of lips and soft, soft skin.

Lisa's is a considerate gentleness, but her touch is never uncertain because she knows that Chaeyoung wants her. They never stall. It's only the hesitant step to lead that slows their motions.

Chaeyoung knows that Lisa holds herself in check, can sense it in eyes pressed shut and swallowed groans and flushed cheeks and trembling hands. Chaeyoung doesn't think there is such a thing as being too considerate, but sometimes Chaeyoung wishes Lisa would unchain her lust and want and need a little more, and take her hand and pull her to a step faster and more dangerous.

And not be so gentle.

She won't break.

Tonight , she decides. Tonight she wants to show Lisa how much she can take, how much she wants to take. How the power of their love is not a thing to be feared or handled like quite such a delicate thing.

So she sets her plan and it doesn't take much more than an outfit screaming sex and some candles; the rest is up to her and she only has to wait.

The anticipation builds until it's thick, an alteration in the atmosphere. And when Lisa walks in the door she must sense it because she slows and her eyes flick to Chaeyoung only once and then dart around her and above her and behind her. And then again to Chaeyoung and into her face and her eyes and her soul and she's searching, Chaeyoung knows, just in case.

Eyes taking in Chaeyoung's body, her stance, her chosen attire, the low flicker of candles lighting the scene. Listening, but there's nothing above the thump of a heartbeat. Inhaling the scent of wax and the curl of perfume in the air and that heavy, heady thrill of waiting. Collecting, collating.

Lisa wears a tiny frown for her now, so she smiles back easily. Bright and reassuring and so very Chaeyoung. She can see the tension lifting from her partner and a small blush form as the realisation clicks into place and the scene starts to coalesce about them, and the frown becomes a smile, and so they can begin.

There's nothing and nobody else here; it's only what they themselves bring to the moment.

Chaeyoung slinks forward, each step echoed in the low thrum of her heart and the tiny jump of anticipation in her chest. She's bold, and she hopes that she has the right of her lover because she doesn't think she can reverse the sultry play of her hand, now.

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