stuck like glue || chaelisa

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Sometimes the weight of the world settles on Chaeyoung's shoulders. Out of all the great things she does, she fears she is never enough for her job, her life, and her Lisa.

Today was one of those days, full of nothing, wrapping around Chaeyoung like a familiar, suffocating blanket. Only to have Lisa pull her out from under it and make her smile again.


Chaeyoung sat in silence, the only sound was the buzz of the staff, and a gentle hum of the fan in the practice room. She looked at the clock on the wall, 3:37. The sun was still out, and the world around her was alive and working. Pushing for protection, democracy, human rights, climate change, food security, and over all the care of not just citizens within Korea, but globally.

She felt the weight of that globe rest heavy on her shoulders, a strange sadness from the stress of her... everything. She put her head in her hands as she focused on taking long slow breaths. She felt lost, but, how could she? She felt like she had a hole in the center of her chest, Yet, things had to get done.

Tea, she thought, tea would help. Drumming her hands on the floor, she figured if she could drag herself to get through part of her solo debut project, she could leave at 5 with everyone else.

Slowly, she stood, and made a cup of tea. The warm mug, the steam, the scent of delicious Earl Grey surrounding her brought her comfort. It wrapped the loneliness around her making a blanket. A strange and gentle comfort.

Centering herself in the middle of the practice room, she did several run-throughs of her routine. The world faded, started to feel quiet, and the clock ticked. Finally, Chaeyoung grabbed her empty mug taking off her glasses as she rubbed her eyes. The outside world was going dark as the sun was setting, the building was quiet as the staff took the early day they were promised. The clock on the wall said it was 5:20. It was time to go, but she was stuck to the floor watching the flashing light from her laptop. A gurgling growl, a hungry stomach reminding Chaeyoung she had planned on Thai food.

Walking, she returned her mug to the little table and did a slow loop back to where her bag was and got her coat. Lost in thought, no not thought, consciousness. Looking out her window her mind's eye was everywhere. Thinking about a nerdy kid that wanted to change the world someday, that same kid that missed her parents desperately, the young teenager that worked like mad to get through her trainee days, then finally made her debut after all those hardworking years. Chaeyoung was thinking about the first day she auditioned, how nervous she was but those faces that were so impressed.

"Chaeng?" Lisa said quietly as she poked her head through the door. But Chaeyoung was so lost she didn't even hear her. Lisa tiptoed her way over to Chaeyoung, admiring the powerful silhouette against the dim light. "Hey" Lisa said quietly as she wrapped her arms around Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung shook her head, slowly sinking back into the present. Lisa, her sweet Lisa, was before her with a smile and perfect lips waiting to be kissed. "I didn't even hear you, I am so sorry I was so lost in thought I just..."

Lisa cut her off with a kiss "Just what? Needed time to reconnect all the parts of your busy brain?" Chaeyoung gave a weak smile as she looked down at the floor. "Chaeng, what's going on?" Lisa shifted so Chaeyoung had to look at her.


"Come on, please?" Lisa caught Chaeyoung's cheek in her left hand, guiding her to look at her, she knew there was something wrong, she saw it in Chaeyoung's face, her whole demeanor was off. She held onto her, afraid if she let her go she would simply, vanish. "You look upset, is it the company? Me?" Those big brown sensitive, caring eyes, flashed fear.

"It is definitely not you or the company." Chaeyoung took off her glasses and folded them, fidgeting with them as she looked for words. "Sometimes, I get this sinking feeling in my chest, it's a combination of loneliness and sadness, and I feel like I am not present in my own skin, I am everywhere else. I see my past, I see the girl I was and the trials and triumphs it brought. I see where I am now, and I see where I want to be in the future..." her thought trailed off as Lisa held her tighter, pulling her into the tightest hug her arms could offer. "I just... I don't even know, am I significant? Am I important?" She tried to walk away from Lisa's grasp, tried to find a way that she could hide in this envelope of the full emptiness and melt away.

"Chaeyoung, you are everything" Lisa whispered, she was slowly wrapping her mind around what Chaeyoung had told her, and Lisa felt her own heart break. "Chaeyoung you are my everything. You are amazing, you are the person who is tearing down international norms and changing the playing field, you are the whole reason Blackpink is able to be whole, you are a wild card and keeping people on their toes. You taught and changed the lives of so many.... And above all, Chaeyoung, I can't imagine my life without you. I don't know what validation or answer can help but I do know I am here for you and I love you, always."

Lisa kissed Chaeyoung, pulling her in by the collar of her shirt. She would give Chaeyoung the world if it would cheer her up. She just hoped that her kiss told her that. It must have, because Chaeyoung returned the kiss. Hard, fast, and desperate as she gently nibbled at Lisa's lip. Alive, in the place she stood right now, right where she needed to be, loved.

"Lisa?" she looked at Chaeyoung as she said her name. The rich, low, almost lusty way that sent chills down Lisa's spine every time. "Thank you."

"For what?" Lisa asked.

"For being you and loving this hot mess."

"You are far from a mess, but you are incredibly hot" Lisa said jokingly. "I think we need to cheer up and get some delicious food and snuggle." she offered her hand out as she said it. Inviting Chaeyoung to partake in one of their glorious pastimes.

"Lead the way, although..." her voice dropped to a whisper "I can't promise I will stop at just snuggling."

"I would hope not..." Lisa chucked. Walking hand in hand out to the 7th floor elevator, the pair waited in quiet comfort. "Chaeng?" Lisa asked as the elevator pinged and the doors opened. "I promise everything will be alright."

Walking into the elevator, "I know it will be, because I have you. The best girlfriend and best friend ever." Chaeyoung answered, "You and me, we are stuck like glue"

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