ice skating and frostbitten lips || chaelisa

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Lisa drags Chaeyoung out to go ice-skating with her.


"We really shouldn't be doing this," Chaeyoung ays for what feels like the hundredth time. As with the 99 that came before, Lisa only looks at her over her shoulder and sports a massive grin that lights up her face in a way that One Direction probably sing about.

"Where's your sense of adventure, Rosie?" she asks and Chaeyoung thinks it's probably curled up somewhere warm reading a book or having a bath or treating herself to a manicure or something sensible like you should do on a day as shitty as this. It's been grey overhead for hours now and it constantly looks like it's either going to start snowing or raining any moment. Chaeyoung wishes it just would, to get it over with. She hates this anticipatory mood. Obviously Lisa's sense of adventure is a different beast than Chaeyoung's. Lisa's sense of adventure scoffs at books and manicures and bubble baths. It wants to run away from their mind and go ice-skating. Because that is the logical thing to do when on tour, when one has a few hours off. Obviously. How didn't Chaeyoung think of it first?

"Staying warm," she says and pouts at Lisa. Lisa - damn her - has gotten immune to it now, as have Jennie and Jisoo. Chaeyoung knows they call her the diva of the group and it's probably true that she's the least adventurous and the most concerned with not getting her clothes dirty but wanting your clothes to look presentable is hardly being a diva, is it? When did being a diva turn into such a bad thing anyway?

"You'll be warm in a moment. We're almost there."

"We're going ice skating. I don't exactly see how that can warm me up."

"Because we'll be moving around, ya silly."

"I'm not even that good at it! I'll fall over and then I'll be just slow enough for the cold to really creep in."

Lisa shoots her a look that tells her exactly how silly she thinks she's being right now and then grabs Chaeyoung's hand with hers as if to make sure she won't suddenly take off in the opposite direction the closer they get to the skating hall. Chaeyoung likes when Lisa holds her hand, even through two layers of gloves, so she won't tell her that A, she doesn't even know where they are so she's not about to take off to anywhere and B, she wouldn't disappoint Lisa like that so there's no need for it. It makes her feel a little warmer and she pretends happily that it's because Lisa's such a furnace that her heat bleeds through the fabric and up Chaeyoung's veins from her hand.

The guy in the booth handing out ice skates looks at them a little weirdly and Chaeyoung s about to scowl at him when she realises that he probably doesn't think they're weird or cutting school or disapproves of their hand-holding, but that he could've recognised them. It still hasn't gotten any less weird to think that they are actually celebrities now. It feels like she's known the three other girls for far longer than the two years it's been, like they've been there all her life.

"Less dreaming, more skating, Chaengie," Lisa says, hands on her hips, her skates already laced up on her feet. Chaeyoung must've drifted off a bit while contemplating fame and life and such, but hurries to catch up.

"I'm really not good at this though," she whines when Lisa pulls her over to the entrance of the skating rink.

"I'll teach you." The grin on Lisa's face is wide and sunny and far too inviting and lovely to say no to, so Chaeyoung lets her guide her onto the ice and then grab her second hand as well as she pulls her along, skating backwards herself. Chaeyoung wasn't kidding. She's only done this a handful of times and she's never really learned how to do it properly, so she's glad for Lisa holding onto her and guiding her around.

Within a few minutes, she starts feeling less shaky on her skates and tries to straighten up from the hunched over position she'd automatically assumed in order to keep her balance as easily as possible. Lisa obviously loves getting to teach her how to push off the one foot so the other one can slide forward in a slight diagonal and then use that one to push the other one forward. It's actually really not that difficult, although having your own teacher probably helps. Chaeyoung finds herself actually smiling most of the time and enjoying the scratchy, slicy sound of the ice underneath her skates and the cold air. Only Lisa could be responsible for getting her in such a situation. Chaeyoung gets the hang of going in a straight line rather quickly. Turns are a completely different story. Good as she usually is with balance, the ice feels so unfamiliar that what Lisa swears is mostly a simple matter of shifting your weight feels like rocket science to her.

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