underwater you breathe better || chaelisa

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Lisa laid flat on her back staring up at the ceiling, her mind wandered back and forth to the day before.

Now she was suffering from a cold and a sickness bug, the same bug she caught from Chaeyoung but the cold; that was partly her fault.

Leo had almost drowned himself by jumping into the cold pool at this time of year causing Lisa to plunge in after him and now she was suffering from a cold and a bug.

"Maybe you should try and eat something?" Chaeyoung suggested walking in with a glass of heated water with honey.

"I'm fine; I don't think I can keep anything down." Lisa said quietly smiling a little as Chaeyoung sat on the edge of the bed taking her hand.

"At least Leo's okay." Chaeyoung said knowing how upset Lisa was.

"At least I have you to tell me that." Lisa said with a smile. All she wanted to do was get in bed with Chaeyoung and let all her cares just fly away but she couldn't risk getting Chaeyoung sick, not with her upcoming solo debut plans.

"All I care about right now is helping you get better." Chaeyoung began thinking very carefully about her next sentence.

"Because going a week without sex is difficult beyond belief." Chaeyoung said watching a smile grow on Lisa's face.

"I love you..." Lisa said with a smile before kissing Chaeyoung's head.

"I love you too, but I will love you even better when you're not ill." Chaeyoung said with a smile looking at her partner sympathetically.

"I know, so I will try and sleep and get better." Lisa said with her mind-set.

"Good, I'll be here when you wake up baby." Chaeyoung said kissing Lisa's head as she lay down. Chaeyoung truly did want her to get better.

Chaeyoung walked into the kitchen and took a breath, she knew it was pointless and pathetic to cry right now, but she hated to see Lisa like this, it may have only been a cold, but still she was ill and in bed, and it just seemed so wrong.

Lisa was meant to be the strong one. Chaeyoung knew it could have been worse but right now to see Lisa in bed with red eyes and a cough, whilst being sick she just couldn't bare it, even though she knew within a few weeks it would all be over.

Chaeyoung took a breath before looking at the clock.


"Better get some sleep." Chaeyoung told herself quietly before she grabbed the PJ's she'd put on the sofa and went to the bathroom to change.

After getting changed and following the normal bedtime routine she laid on the sofa, rolling on her side she was able to see the sky out of the window.

This was going to be a long night.

The next morning Chaeyoung had managed to get dressed and sorted without waking Lisa. She knew Lisa would want to be woken but seeing how peaceful she looked made Chaeyoung think twice.

Finishing her breakfast Chaeyoung washed up the pots and found a pen and some paper before writing a note to Lisa.

Had to go to the recording studio,

you looked so peaceful so I decided

not to wake you.

All my love,

Chaeng xxx'

Leaving the note near the kettle she knew Lisa would make herself a drink at some point in the day.

Smiling to herself as she looked around the apartment she picked up her bag and left.

Lisa finally managed to find strength to get out of bed at around 20 past 10 that morning after sleeping all night without throwing up, but she still had a cold.

Looking around she figured Chaeyoung must have slept on the sofa to give her some peace, on one hand that was kind and thoughtful but then again Lisa did hate sleeping without her there.

"Pull yourself together Lisa." Lisa said to herself before she pulled back the covers, it sent shivers down her spine as she felt the cold air hit her dead on, but taking a deep breath she managed to get out the bedroom without feeling sick or dizzy.

Finding the note on the side Lisa read it and immediately wanted to cry, she was ill, she was cold, she was home alone. She wanted Chaeyoung.

Walking to the sofa Lisa groaned when another wave of nausea hit her.

Sitting for a minute she decided she could do this alone, she didn't want to be by herself when she felt like she did and she knew there was no way in hell YG would let her go to the studio like this.

Getting out her phone she decided to text Chaeyoung.

'Come home baby.

I need you here!

Lis xxx'

Chaeyoung walked into the dorm thinking the worse like always.
"Lis, you here baby?" Chaeyoung shouted as she put down her bag and hung up her coat.

"Yeah..." Lisa called back walking in from the bedroom.

"How are you feeling?" Chaeyoung asked with a smile as she placed her palm on Lisa's forehead to see how hot she was.

"Like crap, but I haven't been sick, then again, I haven't eaten." Lisa said. It was easier to tell Chaeyoung the truth than tell her she was fine when inside she felt awful.

"Well, let me make you some toast and we can see if you only have a 24-hour bug." Chaeyoung said with a smile kissing Lisa's cheek before she pulled the blonde into the kitchen. Lisa sat at the kitchen table waiting for Chaeyoung to make her some toast which she could have done herself, but Chaeyoung had told her to shut up and sit down... with a wicked grin of course.

"Here, try and eat this." Chaeyoung said putting the plate on the table a few moments later.

"Thanks, how's the song?" Lisa asked, she hated being off work, it almost sent her crazy once, Blackpink and Chaeyoung were the two things she lived for and having to go a several hours without both was like hell, she didn't know how she did it before the blonde walked into her life.

"It's good, I have it all recorded. Now, I just need to learn the dance routine and set up a meeting with Mr. Yang to discuss the release date." Chaeyoung said watching the smile grow on her girlfriend's face.

"That's good, I'm proud of you babe." Lisa said going suddenly pale.

"You feel okay Lis?" Chaeyoung asked, but she was gone.

Following Lisa into the bathroom Chaeyoung rubbed her back as she threw up.

"I don't like this." Lisa moaned leaning back into Chaeyoung.

"Neither do I, I am not sure I can go another week without sex." Chaeyoung said before kissing her head. She was being serious.

"You know what they say, underwater you breathe better." Lisa said before spewing up again.

This was going to be a long week, but Chaeyoung planned to stay with her the whole time.

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